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Powerful Prayer to Ask for Abundance and Prosperity

The prayer to God to ask for abundance and prosperity it is important and helps a lot in the difficult moments that we can all face in life.

We leave home early every day to work and earn a living for our house and feed our children, but no matter how honest and hardworking we are, sometimes the money is not enough or we accumulate debt or spend that money that was meant for it. for the study of our children.

It seems that there is something that never allows you to earn enough money to have a smooth financial life.

This can sometimes be a negative thought, causing us to always have a defeatist mind and never have a fulfilling financial life.

To free your mind from these problems and also ask God for help, follow the prosperity prayer, that when done with great will and faith, illuminates your paths.

Daily prayer to God to request abundance and prosperity

The Prayer of Prosperity is a powerful prayer who invokes Psalm 23 and asks God the Father for help. It should always be done in the morning seven times with the Psalm and our Father for three days in a row.

Oh! Creator of the world, you have said: give and you will receive, even if it is in the highest, in Your Divine Glory, incline your ears towards this humble creature to satisfy my desire.

Listen to my prayer Oh Beloved Father, and make it possible for me by your divine will to obtain the grace I desire (here the request is made).

God, now meet all my needs according to your riches in glory, and I will always be grateful for your ever-active, present, unchanging, and abundant riches in my life, and may they be done by the power and name of Your Adorable Son Jesus.

Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd, I will not lack anything.

Lying on me is in green pastures, gently carrying me to still waters.

Restore my soul, guide me in the paths of justice, for the sake of his name.

Even if I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, I would not fear evil, because you are with me, your rod and staff comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord for long days.

financial prosperity prayer

The Financial Prosperity Prayer must be performed for 21 uninterrupted days so that you can attract money for you and your family.

Oh God creator of this immense universe, I am here to call you for my financial life.

That from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, I may be surrounded by a stream of wealth.

Pour out on me the gift of riches so that I can see your glory and proclaim your existence wherever I go.

And may the angel of money visit me and put the spirit of luck in my hands so that everything I touch prospers and even what went wrong will work!

You are the owner of gold and silver, so come from the four corners of the world to make me blessed and have many possessions.

You manifest in me your greatness and you make me win, conquer and enrich, because you are a God who multiplies and adds.

By the power of the name of Jesus Christ, I raise my voice and prophesy that from now on money will come in all directions and in avalanches of abundance.

From now on, my fate is sealed because I am a child of the God who created all the wealth in the world and I will become very rich.

So make me the new winner of all the prizes in the universe that I deserve by your power because I know that the Lord can interfere with my life.

That is what I ask of you and I will determine what will happen in the name of Jesus Christ.


About the prayer of prosperity and abundance

The Prosperity Prayer it is a call to God to help us in a difficult moment.

It is neither a sin nor a shame to pray for financial prosperity, after all, God desires our good, and part of what it takes to make our lives healthy and good is financial health.

Pray the Prayer of Prosperity every day and always try to follow the commandments of our Lord with great faith so that He can help you and be by your side, even in the most difficult and complicated moments of life.

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