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Powerful prayers to sleep

In today’s post we are going to see some effective prayers to fall asleep and sleep soundly.

Loss of sleep is one of the things that can most affect our health and above all because it is reflected immediately on our face, which is very difficult to hide due to its consequences, often lack of sleep is reflected in the eyes , usually around them, turns purple and the whole face reflects the appearance of illness.

Cause we know how hard it can be To fall asleep on some occasions and for you who maintain an irrevocable faith in God this can help you. Faith is the best vitamin in the body and the best medicine to heal all kinds of health, soul, mind and heart conditions.

In accordance with your infinite faith that has helped you so much to achieve and maintain divine peace in your home, it is also the one that can allow you to reconcile the light in order to sleep pleasantly.

The main thing to be able to sleep in peace is to ask God for forgiveness for all your sins and entrust him as the all-powerful to take care of all your problems.

Then they pray one of the powerful prayers to fall asleep which will surely be of great help to you at times when thoughts and worries do not allow you to rest.

Powerful prayers to sleep

3 powerful prayers to sleep pleasantly

If it is about sleeping pleasantly, it is time for you to turn to your faith and above all to God to ask him in his infinite mercy to have compassion on you and allow you to rest all night.

But there are also pre-established prayers that just by repeating them every night will help you fall asleep. Pay close attention especially when the cattle do it with a lot of faith, that more than your words is your heart listened.

1. Prayer before bed

Pray this prayer every night before going to bed on your knees at the edge of your bed imploring God. Now that the daylight goes out and gives way to night, I ask you, my Lord, to enlighten us with your infinite light of love.

That our hearts can feel your presence and that when sleeping you allow me to dream of you so that in the morning that is coming I can feel your glory. We grant a lot of health to renew our energies and we provide a lot of clarity on this and every night.

Oh almighty father hear my prayers in the name of Jesus your son who reigns with you in heaven.

2. Prayer to sleep

Prayers are never too much, in fact, asking God and giving thanks is one of the things that you must repeat the most to be at peace with him. Likewise, another of the prayers that are quite effective for sleeping is this one that I present to you below.

“Lord Almighty Father, protect us tonight and forgive all our sins, grant us that the light of your infinite love and mercy illuminate this night, protect all my family and deliver us from all evil.

I beg you, my lord, to enter our home and never allow the enemy to arrive with evil stalks. Allow me to sleep tonight to rest and replenish the energies that are lost in vanities and allow me to get up the next morning wanting to continue fighting in life.

May your infinite mercy and light be poured out on us forever and allow us to enjoy a flat life until the day of your call”. Then pray three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys.

Prayer to be able to sleep

“Dear father, I am in front of you to thank you for allowing me to fulfill another day of life and so that in your goodness and sovereignty, and also allow me to rest in a restful sleep, I know that you are present when I wake up, get up and leave my house I know that you are the one who provides me with all things and for that I thank you very much.

I thank you for allowing me to achieve everything I did today, and even though I feel tired, I take these minutes to ask you to change so that I can rest because it is in you that I trust and not in the material things that I have achieved or have been able to achieve.

In this prayer I give you my body, soul and heart so that you can give me a lot of confidence and protection to sleep in your arms, give peace to all my family so that we can all rest and sleep without fear of evil, in these moments I I have to sleep, but I remain aware and sane of all my actions so as not to sin even in thoughts, I ask you, Lord.

These are three of the most powerful prayers to fall asleep and be able to rest pleasantly with faith to get up the next day wanting to continue our activities and with faith that God is with us at all times.

Prayer to God to cure insomnia

Oh blessed God, you who can do all things, you who can do everything, you are the creator of this universe, the king of heaven, the Father of men. Today I ask for your mercy and help because I am having a lot of trouble keeping up with my sleep and this is having a huge impact on my life.

I ask you to give me the peace I need to be able to sleep tonight. I have many worries that torment me, that do not allow me to calm my mind and stay awake, analyzing possibilities, alternatives, situations and results.

Help me clear my mind, free me from all the negative thoughts that torment me and make it difficult for me to sleep. Put a protective blanket on my bed that protects against all the doubts and worries that can disturb me.

Give me the strength, father, to be able to deal with my own inner demons and find in them the tranquility that will allow me to sleep soundly tonight. My body is screaming for a decent rest and I beg you to let me get it today.


VIDEO Prayer to sleep well and fall asleep ☪ NIGHT PRAYER

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