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Male pompousness can increase the quality of sex |

It is very common to talk about female pompoarism, but what few people know is that there is also male pompoarism. As for women, the male does not necessarily have anything to do with the use of instruments, most of the time the movements are made with the penis.

What is pompoarism?

Pompoarism is the ability to move the muscles of the vagina and thus improve intimate health and sexuality. In the case of men, the perineum is worked on, which improves erection time, delays ejaculation, enhances orgasm and makes it easier to reach dry orgasm (without ejaculating).

Benefits of male pompoarism

For men, pompoarism goes beyond improving sexual activity. The benefits are: it helps in the prevention of prostate cancer, in the prevention and treatment of urinary and fecal incontinence, as well as incontinence of flatus.

In addition, it improves impotence, increases erection time, makes the penis more rigid, provides greater control over ejaculation, enhances orgasms and facilitates the possibility of ejaculating without having an orgasm or, even, having an orgasm without ejaculating.

Practice improves impotence, virility, sexual self-control and self-esteem. Physiologically speaking, what happens is an increase in perineal muscle strength and greater blood circulation in the area. This leads to body awareness and favors attention to breathing.

Benefits of male pompoarism for the couple

Pompoarism will help the man to contract the perineum during the sexual act, in order to move the penis inside the vaginal canal to reach the point that can increase the woman’s pleasure.

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Thus, pompoarism helps in the sex of heterosexual couples as a whole, since the man can better control himself and respect the time of the person with whom he has a relationship, being able to prolong the relationship time, until she reaches orgasm.

Some women complain of another situation, when the partner wants to maintain sexual intercourse for as long as possible and, therefore, she gets tired and cannot keep up with him.

Pompoarism can also help in this case, as the man manages to have more control and can reach orgasm together with his partner.

In homosexual relationships, the movement of the penis in the anus can massage the prostate, also increasing the couple’s pleasure.

How to do male pompoarism?

The techniques of male pompoarism must be practiced every day to realize the benefits in a short time. Before starting the exercises, focus on your breathing, try to move only your abdomen when inhaling and exhaling, expanding your abdomen when inhaling and contracting when releasing.

Once you have gained this awareness of diaphragmatic breathing, try to synchronize your breathing with the contractions during all the exercises. Synchrony will help to have control of the perineum and body awareness.

After achieving the expected result, you can practice sporadically, to maintain. The exercises below do not necessarily have to be performed in this order. During the practice, you can do one exercise now and then the other, as convenient.

First step

Perineum movement: you must contract the perineum as if you were holding pee. The first time you do this, look at yourself in the mirror, notice the area between the anus and the scrotum, notice the movement there and also that the scrotum can move.

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With this movement you may feel that the penis also moves, or a slight spasm. Now, concentrate and try to move only the penis, these two movements will basically be what you will do during male pompoarism.

Second step

Perineum Contractions: Then do 30 to 50 contractions as described in the first step. If you feel the spasms or movements of the penis, it’s even better, try to achieve this movement so that it is more efficient.

After performing the contractions, rest a little and repeat two more times. There are three series of 30 to 50 repetitions. You can also play contracting the perineum wherever you are. In public places, focus on the perineum without moving the penis nearly, focusing on the space between the anus and the scrotum.

Third step

Penis movements: once you are able to perform the penis movements efficiently, with the erect penis you must place your hand to resist the movement, making it more difficult.

Try pushing your hand with the penis. Perform three sets of ten repetitions of this movement.

Fourth step

More difficulty: Another resistance variation is to place a dry towel on the erect penis and then attempt to lift the dry towel several times in a row. When it’s pretty easy, use the wet towel.

fifth step

Contraction of the anal sphincter: try to contract only the anus and gluteus. Move your buttocks in and relax, in and relax. Repeat this movement three sets of ten repetitions.

Good training!

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