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7 steps to approach a girl you don’t know –

Interacting with women can be difficult for some men.

It is often intimidating to start a conversation, even with women you already know and are part of your life.

It is logical then that it is difficult for you to approach a woman you do not know, even if she attracts a lot of attention.

The good news is that you can overcome it, if you take some strategies that will make your interaction with any female person easier.

Follow these practical tips and improve your confidence when meeting women.

Step #1: Get closer

To attract a woman, you must first make yourself noticed. It is important that she recognizes you, knows that you are there and notices the interest you have in her. Getting closer to the place where she is is essential to demonstrate that interest.

It is as important to do it as the way you do it. You must approach firmly, with an upright posture that shows pride. To project confidence, choose to keep your gaze elevated, shoulders back, and back straight.

You can practice your posture in front of the mirror, walk around your house several times to get used to this position. You will notice that just by standing up straight you will change your entire appearance. You will not only look taller but more confident in who you are.

Step #2: Show a sense of humor

Don’t rely on classic phrases like: “Hello, how are you! Can I sit here?” Obviously they are the most traditional way to break the ice and perhaps they can be useful, but they do not help you differentiate yourself from the girl’s other potential suitors.

The way you start the conversation is essential. You must attract their attention, show yourself different and interesting. Just as your posture projects confidence, so does the way you talk to a woman.

It’s much better to sound like a person with a sense of humor to break the ice, try: “Thank you for saving me this seat, I finally see a woman who doesn’t want to seduce me!” The tone and smile are important, she should notice that it is a joke and not an egotistical comment. Once you manage to get a smile out of him, you’re on the right track.

Read our guide on the best technique to seduce a woman: humor

Step #3: Don’t abandon the interaction

If you have already managed to start a conversation, keep the conversation pleasant and show enthusiasm in listening to their ideas.

The conversation is between two. Don’t just focus on showing that you are intelligent and interesting, remember to listen carefully to her too.

Avoid becoming the guy who speaks without hesitation, who ignores his companion. Don’t go overboard with the funny tone either, if you repeat too many jokes you can seem like a caricature of yourself.

Step #4: Show interest

There are phrases and attitudes in the middle of a conversation that influence the relationship of the interlocutors and their interaction. It is important that you participate in the conversation. Don’t monopolize the attention, but don’t leave her talking to herself either.

Maybe you think that playing coy is a good strategy, that sometimes it works, but you must give her attention and respond enthusiastically to her ideas, or else she will get bored of talking to someone who has nothing to say.

While they are talking, the best thing you can do is react to what they tell you: smile, nod your head, use phrases like “really?”, “I can’t believe it!”, “I think that’s great!” . She will be flattered by your interest.

You can also ask about the topic she is talking about, that is always a good strategy to show that you want to learn and care about what she has to say.

The important thing is that you let her know that you approached her out of a genuine desire to get to know her, not just because of her physical attractiveness.

Step #5: Establish a connection

Once the conversation is flowing naturally, you can choose to ask questions and touch on more personal topics. Get away from the generic topics – like local news or mutual friends – and start asking him about his likes, interests, what he does and what he’s passionate about.

It’s always good to start by asking them about their work. That will help you know a little more about her, what her area of ​​professional interest is and what she wants in the future in that field. From there, you can ask her about her hobbies, favorite writers of hers, if she enjoys movies. That’s all information you can use later if you’re interested in asking her out on a date.

Step #6: Place a limit on your talk

If the idea of ​​meeting a girl sparks your interest in asking her out on a date, you should know when to end the conversation to leave her interested and wanting more.

Try not to exhaust all the topics or be completely transparent in this first interaction. You should be a little mysterious and leave some things hidden to spark their curiosity. That will help you when you ask her out, because she will already be intrigued by you.

Read our guide on how to talk to a girl: 9 tips to impress her with your talk

Step #7: Say goodbye respectfully

A woman will feel comfortable with your company if you are a gentleman. Before you say goodbye to her, tell her openly that you would like to hear from her again, that you were pleased to have met her, and that you hope her plans progress as she wishes.

That will surely leave her wanting to keep in touch with you, she will surely give you her phone number and with that you will be half way ahead to ask her out.

And, in the worst case scenario, if you don’t achieve an emotional connection to be a couple, at least you will have a new friend with whom to share good times.


Meeting new women is not a matter of magic. There are no tricks to this, but there are basic measures: act like a gentleman, be very respectful, show self-assurance and confidence. That is the key to appearing attractive to others.

Regardless of the social situation you find yourself in, approaching a woman you don’t know and winning her over is linked to the way you “sell your image”, project yourself as a winner and she will notice you as such!

Do not hesitate to write us your questions and comments, it is a pleasure for us to help you. We also want to know your experience or the tricks you apply when you have to meet a new woman. We are waiting for you in the comments box!

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