Establishing an authentic emotional connection with another person is one of the best things that can happen to us in life. Below we present some indicators.
Signs of emotional connection can be difficult to interpret, as More variables intervene in interpersonal relationships that confuse, modify or feed it. Furthermore, in this article we will talk about this connection as a lasting, stable and pleasant harmony, basic for many relationships.
In this sense, let’s think that establishing and maintaining an emotional connection is not a simple task, no matter how much some people do it naturally. In fact, it is a real challenge that constantly tests our ability to discriminate and interpret signals within a social framework.
Signs of emotional connection between people
The people with whom we maintain an emotional connection they make us feel calm and comfortable in interaction; Furthermore, it makes us learn about life, recharge our energy and be happier.
1. Understanding
Two people with this connection have the possibility of reaching very high levels of comprehension. An understanding that is at the base of empathy and that facilitates, for example, help, listening or comfort.
2. The instant connection
To generate and maintain an emotional connection it is not always necessary to first build that relationship. Maybe the personalities fit perfectly from the start. The connection is thus instantaneous, and can intensify even more over time.
This doesn’t mean that if you don’t feel an emotional connection when you meet someone for the first time, that means it can never happen between those two people. “Instantaneity” is a characteristic feature of emotional connection, but does not determine, at all, its development.
3. Personal growth
People who share emotional connection they grow personally and spiritually faster together. Thanks to that connection, these two people know perfectly what each other’s concerns are and, generally, they share them. This fosters a positive environment that encourages both to grow in experiences.
This It has a lot to do with communication. Dialogues between people with emotional connection are often stimulating. They never stop learning from each other, whatever the topic of conversation.
4. Peace of mind
People with emotional connection They usually feel at peace in this company. From this absence of stress it is very easy to distance ourselves from the problems and see them in perspective. That tranquility gives way to positive emotions, if not to a new point of view that allows solving a certain problem.
5. The company
Connection is a good antidote to loneliness. Emotional connection covers us with a feeling of companionship, regardless of the distance that separates us. Related to tranquility, we feel that we are present in the thoughts of others, that we exist beyond our physical limits.
In times of crisis, especially, this feeling helps to find solutions. No need to ask for helpthat person will do everything possible to be with you, listen to you and support you when you need it most.
6. The fascination
We are fascinated by the people with whom we have such a special connection. We always find them interesting, and we are their biggest fans. Any triumph of people with an emotional connection is shared by the other sincerely, without envy, without judgment.
This does not mean that people with this connection are incapable of seeing flaws in others. They are, in fact, the ones who see them the most, since they consider themselves transparent to each other. However, unlike with other people, it is very easy to talk about each other’s defects and, as we have already seen, grow as individuals.
7. Empathy
Another important trait of emotional connection is empathy. As we have already seen, people who share this bond do not always need to verbalize their concerns: they are capable of extract the emotional needs of the other through conversation. The ease of putting yourself in the other person’s shoes makes the relationship stronger.
8. Sincerity
Sincerity in a relationship is a challenge. Many have preferred to hide their thoughts or actions in order not to hurt others or feel judged. However, for there to be an authentic emotional connection It is essential that both parties are transparent and have the confidence not to keep anything to themselves.. To do this, it is important that we are empathetic and understanding.
9. Communication
Communication is the basis of every successful relationship (be it a friendship, a couple, work, etc.). Only in this way can we strengthen ties with each other, share ideas and resolve any conflict.. In this way, in any authentic emotional connection, communication is not only practiced in important or critical situations, but there is also room for seemingly trivial conversations (which contribute more than they seem).
10. They promote self-knowledge
Thanks to the sincerity and transparency that exists between both, They are able to identify aspects of the other, of which they are not fully aware. In this case, both help to reveal to the other those dimensions that we keep hidden from ourselves or that we unconsciously do not want to realize.
These revelations are usually not easy to handle, and can even be disconcerting.. But, if they know how to channel their emotions appropriately, they will be an ideal resource for self-knowledge of others.
11. Acceptance
No matter how many qualities and preferences two people share, there will always be differences or disparities. But, when there is emotional connection, These differences do not bother either of them, but rather serve as a complement.
Besides, There is no attempt to change others based on one’s own desires.. On the contrary, they accept and respect each other.
Tips to foster emotional connection
When the relationship with another person already exists, we can also nourish the connection. This is achieved through the conscious practice of the characteristic features of emotional connection. For example, by exercising our empathy: when we worry about that person’s problems, we can try to reflect on their experience.
In this way, it will be easier for the other person to feel that our concern is real; a concern that we express in our effort to help more and better. In many cases, only with this gesture will we be able to make the other person lower her anxiety a degree and, therefore, improve communication.
Finally, it is necessary to highlight the importance of the emotionally interesting answers: If someone transmits an experience to us, we will do well to worry about what happened in that event, but we will do even better if we also pay attention or are able to read how the person felt at that moment.
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