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6 stages you will go through in your marriage

According to Rosana Braga, relationship consultant at Par Perfeito, dialogue and sincerity are the best weapons to adapt in each phase. When there is trust and complicity, every moment of the relationship will help both of you to grow and learn. That has to be the role of differences. If the two were the same, they probably wouldn’t even stand each other. At the same time that inequalities bother, they support an intimate encounter. But it takes dedication to recognize that. “A marriage is one of the most efficient, profound and intense schools we can attend. Coexistence offers lessons all the time. But it takes humility and respect to learn all this. All you have to do is want it”, explains the consultant. She checks out the six phases that marriages have and how to overcome the difficulties of each season:

1. Newlywed

Either the couple lives an extension of the honeymoon, in good harmony, or faces an adaptation phase, which can be quite troubled for some. The change of routine is usually big. It may take some time for both of you to get used to the life that is starting. And Fátima Bernardes gives the tip: keep your admiration for each other!

Solution: patience with each other and with herself until the couple gets used to the new routine.

When you date, you take a series of precautions. Over time, it gets lazy and accommodated. Intimacy brings out the worst side of people, when it should be the opposite: showing the best in them.

2. Birth of children

The impact depends on whether or not the couple is ready to have a baby. When the two are not prepared for this great adventure, they can end up distancing themselves a little. It is common, for example, for some mothers to feel ugly or turn too much towards their child and leave the relationship aside. It also happens that some men become jealous of the wife’s dedication to the baby. But be sure to enjoy a moment just for the couple!

Solution: dialogue and understanding to avoid burnout.

3. Teenage children

Problems tend to be serious when one disagrees with the orders given by the other in front of the children. Children soon realize that they can manipulate the situation to get what they want.

Solution: talk about the children’s education and agree on how to conduct the routine. The more parents deal with their children in a coherent way and leave it to discuss away from them, the better the tune.

4. Empty nest (when the children move away)

It all depends on how much the couple invested in intimacy and respect throughout the relationship.

Solution: the departure of the children can be more difficult for one than for the other, but if there is complicity, it becomes a special opportunity for them to do more programs together.

5. Arrival of grandchildren

This milestone is usually a special and enjoyable occasion for the whole family. The bonds between grandparents and grandchildren are strong and affectionate and this tends to bring the couple even closer together. However, it is worth remembering that the moment coincides with a phase in which the marriage can be worn out by the differences and the long time of coexistence.

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Solution: talk a lot, always!

6. Retirement

It could be the moment of truth for couples. That’s when the two will spend a lot more time together and will have to deal with the kind of relationship they built over the previous years.

Solution: when the two really want to make it work, any gesture can be an opportunity to rebuild what was lost in the past.

After all, what is the secret of a happy marriage?

It’s the will to make it work. It is the dedication to the other and to the relationship. It’s the willingness to listen to your partner and talk about what’s bothering you, without taking everything so seriously. A wedding, despite being complex, needs to maintain a reasonable level of lightness and fun. Otherwise, the couple can’t handle it! It gets too heavy.

Is it true that there is a 7 year crisis?

Relationships always go through crises, and seven years is an average time for attitudes to be reviewed. But it’s not a milestone for all couples, no! You have to take care of the relationship daily. This is what will guarantee that seven years will be a time like four or ten years. Time is every day. Living one day at a time makes dealing with the years easier.

Can you work together?

couples like Fatima Bernardes and William Bonner, who have worked together for many years, need to be clear on how important it is to take time alone. Otherwise, they tend to become partners and only talk about work, or even competitors, disputing success, money and power. And that can really put an end to the admiration, affection and affection, which are basic in the relationship.

“But we are so far away…”

See the main reasons that lead a couple to move away and try to avoid them to strengthen your relationship:

  • Work too hard and forget that you need to invest in outings, time together, leisure and pleasure.
  • Completely turn to the children, considering the other as if he were from a different team, with whom the children’s love is disputed.
  • Lack of complicity in household matters, leaving the partner burdened with the responsibilities that should belong to both of them.
  • Absence of dialogue about sexuality and satisfaction of each one.

Fatima and william they have different routines, but they find a way to maintain proximity. Every day, she waits for her husband to arrive so they can talk. Breakfast together is also sacred, at 6 am. There is still one dinner out a week, usually on Thursdays. Granted.

I was asked if I was seductive, I said I didn’t know, but if I’ve been married for 25 years to the same person, the chemistry works

Read more: check out the trajectory of the Silver Wedding of Fátima and William!

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