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Love without prejudice: Korean parents hand out hugs at gay festival

A hug from a mother and father makes all the difference in those difficult times. That’s why in times of prejudice and violence, Korean mothers and fathers decided to spread their support for LGBT youth in a very loving way: by handing out hugs. The action took place at the Korean Festival of Gay Culture, held from June 11 to 19 in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. According to the Korea Times newspaper, the initiative came from members of the Association Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, who during the event also distributed explanatory books and manuals on the subject.

“They already face many difficult situations of prejudice and discrimination because of their sexual identities. If I decide to reject it, who will support it? We need to come together to build a society where my son will have a better life,” explained mother Ji-in. “Many cried in my arms. I’m glad you did it.” When Ji-in’s son told her he was gay three years ago, Ji-in’s mother said she had read a lot about the subject and understood that there was nothing she could do to change it. “I accept and love my son as he is”.

The Facebook media page Face, Speak, Awake, released a video about the initiative and highlighted the search for family members: “We are not worried about our gay sons and lesbian daughters, we are worried because they will have to live in a world full of of hatred and discrimination”. Watch:

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