Bipolar disorder persists as an unknown condition, but not uncommon for many people. In this article we review its main manifestations.
Some people who suffer from sudden emotional changes wonder what bipolar people do. This condition is common in the population, however, there are many myths and misconceptions around it.
For this reason, below, we will investigate bipolar disorder and what the most common behaviors are. All this, so that you can detect the key symptoms and act as quickly as possible.
What is bipolar disorder?
The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) describes the topic as: «Mood disorders defined by the presence of manic, mixed or hypomanic episodes or symptoms. “They alternate throughout the course with depressive episodes or periods of depressive symptoms.”
Depending on whether manic or hypomanic episodes appear, two classes of bipolar disorders are distinguished. Namely, the following:
Bipolar type I: Manic episodes necessarily appear; in addition, they can alternate with depressive symptoms. Briefly, in mania, the mood is expansive, elevated, or irritable. We will delve into its symptoms later.Bipolar type II: Hypomanic episodes alternate with depressive episodes. In hypomania, the mood is also expansive and positive, but not as intense as in mania.
Behaviors or common things of bipolar people
Once we have clarified what bipolar disorder is, we will list what things or behaviors are common in bipolar people. Keep reading carefully to see if you identify any of the warning signs.
1. Little need for sleep
One of the first changes that bipolar people experience is the deregulation of the circadian cycle. Changes in the amount of hours of sleep can be due to excess, especially in depressive phases, or defect, mainly in mania.
2. The speech is fast-paced and difficult to follow
Among the most distinctive symptoms of bipolarity are speech disorders. This, in reality, It reflects a disorder in thinking and is known as “formal thought disorder.”
It is worth highlighting the resonances inherent to manic discourse. Words in spontaneous speech are chosen based on their sound and not their meaning. Therefore, it appears that the patient speaks in the form of rhymes or alliteration. For example: “Many bad girls lie while they look.”
3. Risky behavior
Bipolar disorder is a life-threatening condition. In states of mania it is common for the subject not to perceive danger as such and to overestimate their personal abilities.
That is why they often find themselves involved in situations such as reckless driving, fights with strangers, risky sexual behavior or suicidal behavior. For all this, you have to be very attentive and act quickly and forcefully.
4. They spend money on unnecessary things without control
Uncontrolled spending is one of the most common behaviors among bipolar patients. On the other hand, it is easy to identify this behavior by those close to you. Those close to them may notice that the bipolar person acquires too many unnecessary things in a short period of time. Debts, loans and money management problems are also common.
5. They are irritable and even aggressive
Relating to someone in a state of mania is a very complicated matter. The Feelings of irritability frequently lead to aggressive behavior. They tend to misinterpret the intentions of others, jumping quickly to conclusions, as they construct paranoid interpretations.
Faced with this mental elaboration, they usually respond aggressively as a way of defending themselves.
6. Sudden mood swings
As its name indicates, in bipolar disorder the patient experiences sudden changes from one pole to another in their mood. But not only that, but within the same polarity, the spectrum of sensations is very wide.
At the pole of mania they move from euphoria to irritability. While in the depressive pole, the most common feelings are: sadness, hopelessness and apathy. The key, apart from emotions, It is that it passes from one state to another in a jump-like manner.
7. They consume excitatory or depressant drugs
Drug use is a widespread problem among people with mental health problems. It is not known whether it is a cause or consequence of the pathology, but in any case it is a comorbidity problem that must be paid attention to.
Among risk behaviors, substance use is quite common. These can be both excitatory, which increase positive sensations, and depressive, which counteract emotional expansiveness.
8. They get into trouble with the law
Run-ins with law enforcement is a situation that most have experienced. As a result of risky behavior, It is possible that reality imposes a limit on bipolar people, in this case, in the form of a sanction or detention.
9. Extravagant and inappropriate appearance
The way of dressing in these paintings is very striking, sometimes bordering on inappropriate depending on the context. People in a manic phase dress with the purpose of attracting attention. This can be with colors, clothing items or provocative combinations.
For its part, In depression it is common for personal hygiene and cleanliness to be neglected. The appearance is dull and unkempt.
10. They overestimate their abilities
The feeling of omnipotence or being able to face everything is something that is observed regularly. In a bipolar person this is not a characteristic that is valued positively, since In combination with disinhibition and impulsivity it represents a danger to physical integrity.
Bipolar disorder is one of the mental conditions that causes the most problems and limitations in those who suffer from it.
11. They start many actions, but finish none
Disorganization is a key symptom affecting this condition. As we already said, the speech is difficult to understand, because it is not organized. Well, in efforts aimed at achieving a goal, something similar happens.
It is very difficult for them to plan a sequence of actions to achieve a goal, even if it is something as everyday as cleaning up the house. Instead, it jumps from one action to another before the first has been completed.
12. They abandon pharmacological treatment
Pharmacological treatment is essential for the control of mental pathology. However, the main problem faced by both patients and the professionals who care for them is adherence to treatment.
Mood stabilizers, such as lithium salts, are the drugs of choice to control symptoms. Despite being very effective, they also have a high dropout rate. For this reason, one of the main objectives to work on in therapy is commitment to treatment.
13. Failures in concentration and executive functions
Deficits in cognitive functions are one of the most common complaints of people with bipolar disorder. Depending on the mood, an article from the University of Antioquia points out the following:
In depression: Mental processing speed is slower. Deficits also appear in executive functions and the ability to concentrate.In acute mania: difficulties appear in executive functions (reasoning, planning, inhibiting behaviors…); while in the stable phase, the deficits are concentrated in working memory, the ability to retain information and manage it for short periods.
14. The awareness of illness is zero
We don’t want to end this list of common things bipolar people do, without mentioning the insight or awareness of illness. That is, the patient’s ability to realize that her behavior or mood is altered and that he needs to put himself in the hands of a professional.
During a manic episode, and to a lesser extent a hypomanic episode, awareness of the illness is nil. They do not believe that their way of acting constitutes a problem or even a danger to their integrity.
Pay attention to any changes, even if they are subtle
A bipolar condition is seen from the outside as a serious alteration that affects all vital fields. However, it must be taken into account that what is described in this article refers to when the symptoms have already established.
Normally, these disorders have an insidious onset, that is, they occur little by little. Therefore, before all the psychopathology becomes visible, it is advisable to refine our senses and pay attention to any change we see, no matter how subtle it may be.
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