Let any yogi who has never felt a fart escape between one posture and another throw the first stone. The truth is that practice can be a great ally in gas relief, you know?
“Yoga does a lot of internal work. It works on the functioning of our organs and focuses a lot on the center of the body, which is the abdomen”, explains Fátima Macedo, coordinator of the Belo Horizonte Yoga Institute.
According to the instructor, it is not that the practice is necessarily aimed at treating health problems. But she can provide us with more body awareness and physical benefits, making some nuisances lessen – and that includes not only gases, but also backaches, headaches… The advantages don’t end!
“The lying postures, for example, in which we bring the leg towards the belly, work the abdomen intensely with the aim of doing a “’cleansing’ and promoting the elimination of toxins and gases, reducing fluid retention, ensuring better control over urine output and alleviate constipation”, says Fátima Macedo.
Breathing, which is also highly valued in yoga, also helps with gas. That’s because the movements massage the belly region. “It is worth remembering that these symptoms often mean something that goes beyond the physical (such as stress)”, recalls the professional. And we don’t even need to talk about the role of practice in relieving anxiety, do we?
As already explained by Fatima, the easiest ones are those done lying on the ground. “They combine breathing work, abdominal suction and twisting, ensuring emptying of the region.”
Check out some examples:
– (Miriam Alonso/Pexels)
Start lying down, on your stomach; Place your palms on the floor next to her and bring both legs up to your chest. Clasp your hands around your shins, ankles, or feet (depending on flexibility) and tuck your chin to your chest; Press your lower back toward the floor as you gently pull your legs up to bring your knees closer to your chest. You should feel a gentle stretch in your back and sides. Hold for four to eight breaths or 30 seconds.
– (Martha Wave/Pexels)
Start by standing in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with feet hip-width apart; Turn your toes slightly outward; Bend your knees, allowing your hips to drop toward the mat between your heels; Keep your weight on your heels, ideally flat on the floor; Bring your palms together in front of your heart, gently pressing your elbows against your knees; Keep your shoulders in line with your hips, legs slightly tucked in, and your sternum moving away from your navel; Hold and breathe for three to five breaths; To come out of the pose, bring your hands to the mat, turn your toe forward as you straighten your legs.
Lie down with your stomach up. Exhale and gently press your lower back into the floor; Contract your abdominal muscles. Then inhale and bend your knees as you lift your feet off the floor; Stretch your arms out to form a straight line with your shoulders. Place your palms facing down. As you do this, bring your knees and feet together; Inhale and lift your feet just above your knees; Exhale and lower your legs to the left off the floor, making sure your knees and feet are in line. You should also make sure that your knees should be at hip level and your heels should be 30 centimeters away from your buttocks; Breathe slowly and deeply as you gently turn your head to the right. Hold the pose for about 30 to 60 seconds. To release the pose, press your hands into the floor and contract your abdomen muscles. Inhale and lift your chest and knees over your chest. Hold your knees; Exhale. Pull your thighs up to your chest and lift your head and chest up to your thighs. Make sure you don’t lift your shoulders as you lift your head; Lower your shoulders and head to the floor and contract your abdominal muscles. Then straighten your arms again and repeat the twist on the other side.