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Why do you get cystitis after having sex?

Has it ever happened to you that right after a sex session you have started to feel discomfort in your intimate area? Although every time you have sexual relations it does not mean that you are going to suffer a urinary infection like cystitis, it is true that it increases the likelihood of its appearance. Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder caused by infection with bacteria known as Escherichia coli. This bacterial urinary infection is usually characterized by pain in the vaginal area and a constant feeling of wanting to urinate.

However, Why do you get cystitis after having sex? If you want to know the reasons why you get a urinary tract infection when having sex, keep reading this unCOMO article and discover them for yourself.

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Risk factors and symptoms of cystitis Causes of postcoital cystitis How to avoid urinary tract infections due to sexual intercourse

Risk factors and symptoms of cystitis

As we have mentioned, cystitis is a urinary infection due to the appearance of bacteria that causes general inflammation in the urinary system (that is, bladder, ureters, kidneys and urethra). Although it can also appear in men, cystitis mainly affects women, with those who meet the following risk factors being more prone:

active sexual life: Intercourse can push microorganisms into the urethra.Menopause and pregnancy: The hormonal changes that occur in both stages are usually associated with this type of infection.Changes in urine flow: Some conditions such as bladder stones can cause cystitis.weak immune system: When the body’s defenses are low, the appearance of infections is more likely.

If you have had sexual relations and after them you have had certain discomfort in the vaginal area, it is likely that you are suffering from cystitis. However, it is important that you observe if some of the the following symptoms:

Having the urge to urinate constantly. Feeling burning when urinating. Discomfort in the pelvic area. Mild or low fever. Frequent urination in very small quantities. Cloudy urine with an unpleasant odor. Pressure in the lower part of the belly. .Blood in the urine.

In case you developed cystitis during pregnancy, you may also be interested in this other oneHOWTO article on Home Remedies for Urinary Infection during Pregnancy.

Causes of postcoital cystitis

It is normal that if some of the symptoms we have listed appear when you have sex, you wonder why you get cystitis after having sex. Below, we give you some of the possible reasons why this urinary infection appears after intercourse:

Intercourse favors the entry of bacteria

One of the reasons why cystitis appears after sex is because intercourse itself can facilitate the introduction of bacteria into the vaginal system. During intercourse, the man penetrates the woman with her penis, which helps push bacteria into the vagina, causing this urinary infection.

Sex in itself constitutes vaginal trauma

Intercourse in itself can be considered a trauma to both the vagina and the female urethra, since during penetration, the penis can weaken the urinary area, favoring the entry of bacteria that cause cystitis.

Poor intimate hygiene before sex

Another reason why you have cystitis is the poor hygienic conditions of the intimate areas, since the remains of urine and dirt favor the appearance of microorganisms and bacteria. In addition, it is recommended that we empty the bladder before intercourse, since we will prevent this type of infection.

Use of some contraceptives

Some contraceptive methods such as the pill, diaphragm and condom can weaken the mucosa of both the vagina and the bladder. Because of this, it is easier for bacteria to enter the body and the urinary system becomes more susceptible to developing this type of infection.

For more information, you can read this other unCOMO article on Causes of cystitis.

How to avoid urine infections due to sexual intercourse

Now that we have seen why cystitis occurs after having sexual relations, it is important to know some measures with which we can prevent both this condition and other urinary infections. We can carry out some of the following measures to prevent cystitis:

Drink a lot of water: Water consumption increases urine and therefore urination, which helps eliminate accumulated bacteria from the body. Try to drink at least 2 liters a day.Can’t hold back the urge to urinate: If you need to urinate, it is better not to wait until you can’t take it anymore, because the only thing you will achieve is accumulate bacteria in the bladder.Wash your private parts daily: Proper hygiene of both the vagina and anus can avoid these infections. However, it is important that you use neutral soaps that are not aggressive to the skin.When you defecate, clean the area from front to back: In this way, we will prevent substances from the anal area from spreading to the vagina.Urinate before sexual relations: This will eliminate bacteria and, therefore, there will be no risk of infection.

Now that you know why cystitis occurs after having sex, you may also be interested in How to treat and prevent cystitis.

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