It is increasingly common: mMany people have eliminated foods of animal origin from their diets in an awakening of conscience in relation to the environment and animals. But doctors and scientists say there’s one more reason you should avoid bacons and steaks on certain days of the week: your body.
Even if it seems difficult to stay away from meat for a while, if you know how to maintain a healthy and nutritious menu, you won’t even miss it! In addition to eating every 3 hours, it’s important to try and include everything. “Well-balanced choices provide large amounts of bioactive compounds with antioxidants It is anti-inflammatorieswhich can help in the weight loss process”, adds nutritionist Lais Murta.
Not to mention that, if you focus on the proper consumption of complex carbohydrates and fiber, you can have a detox effect on the body and deflate, especially in the abdominal area. That’s because, according to Lais, a healthy intestinal flora promotes better functioning of the digestive system. And with the intestine running like clockwork, you know: goodbye, poop belly!
In addition, there is also a more intense use of nutrients, the modulation of their immune system and the reduction of chronic inflammation – often the causes of not being able to lose weight.
Tips to reduce meat consumption in your diet
There’s not much secret: you need to vary. “Of course, each person has specific needs. But, in general, it is necessary to focus on vegetables, vegetables, legumes, tuberswhole grains, oilseeds (nuts), seeds, legumes (beans), sprouts and mushrooms. It is also essential to observe the way food is prepared, since this greatly influences the availability of these nutrients”, says the nutritionist. Here are some more tips from her:
Legumes and oilseeds need to go through the soaking or germination process before being consumed;
Season the vegetables with Apple vinegar or lemon aids in the absorption of minerals;
Protein-rich vegetables are legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, edamame, tofu), cereals (rice, quinoa, amaranth, corn) and mushrooms. They will guarantee the essential amino acids animal protein substitutes;
For those who are vegetarian (and not vegan), there are still good protein options like eggs and aged cheeses. However, because they are rich in long-chain saturated fats (more inflammatory), they should be consumed in moderation.
2 week vegetarian menu
Do not know where to start? How about testing now? The nutritionist put together a 2-week menu for those who want to gradually exclude meat from the menu and without much suffering. In it, you avoid food of animal origin only in some meals during week 1, and evolve in the restriction in week 2. Check it out:
week 1
Breakfast: 1 bowl of fruit salad, 1 fried egg and 1 Manioc Bread;
Lunch: 1 shallow plate of assorted leaf salad; braised okra and 1 roasted drumstick with herb sauce;
Dinner: 1 flat plate of mixed leaf salad, 1 portion of black rice, 1 portion of cooked chickpeas and sautéed asparagus.
Breakfast: fresh strawberries; mixed vegetables with tofu and roasted sweet potatoes;
Lunch: 1 shallow plate of assorted leaf salad; braised zucchini and roasted fish fillet;
Dinner: 1 flat plate of assorted leaf salad, roasted sweet potatoes, sauteed peas and pumpkin puree.
Breakfast: 1 glass of green juice and 1 Pancake Of Banana;
Lunch: 1 flat plate of assorted leaf salad, sautéed asparagus and filet mignon baits with onions;
Dinner: 1 flat plate of mixed leaf salad, brown rice with broccoli and cooked black beans.
Breakfast: 1 slice of papaya with oat bran, simple 2-egg omelette;
Lunch: 1 flat plate of assorted leaf salad and mixed vegetables with tofu;
Dinner: 1 flat plate of mixed leaf salad, cassava puree, chickpea salad cooked and sautéed escarole.
Breakfast: 1 glass of green juice, mixed vegetables with tofu and mashed cassava;
Lunch: 1 flat plate of assorted salad leaves, assorted roasted vegetables and chicken fillet with Sicilian lemon sauce;
Dinner: 1 flat plate of assorted leaf salad and Vegetarian pie.
week 2
Breakfast: 1 glass of green juice and brown rice crackers with hummus;
Lunch: 1 flat plate of assorted leaf salad and beef noodle with shiitake;
Dinner: 1 flat plate of assorted leaf salad and Vegetarian pie.