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Stretch marks: treatments to do in the clinic and at home –

It sounds unbelievable, but yes, stretch marks can disappear
Photo: Mari Queiroz

In the ranking of beauty problems that plague women, stretch marks are among the first placed. No wonder: the stripes mark the skin like a scar and disrupt the look and self-esteem of those who suffer from them. Any major distension of the skin – in the growth phase, pregnancy or very rapid weight gain – can cause them. “They appear when there is a rupture of the collagen and elastin fibers located in the dermis (the deepest layer of the skin), which are responsible for its elasticity”, explains Marcia Pontes, a dermatologist from Rio de Janeiro. “Today, it is also common to appear after the placement of silicone prostheses in the breasts because of the abrupt distension of the tissues”, adds Claudia Magalhães, a dermatologist from Recife.

Because I?

Stretch marks are more common in women, especially on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and breasts, but they also appear in men who exercise excessively or abuse anabolic steroids. “Genetic factors can certainly play a role, although this is not fully understood,” says Paulo Barbosa, a dermatologist in Salvador. “Therefore, if you have cases of stretch marks in your family, you should be careful from a young age, avoiding, for example, the yo-yo effect. And avoid excessive weight gain during pregnancy”, warns Marcia Pontes. Investing daily in hydration, which preserves the health and elasticity of the skin, is the main preventive measure.

Initially, the lesions are reddish or pink, later evolving to a whitish hue. “The red ones, more recent, are not yet fully consolidated, so they respond well to dermatological procedures”, says Érica Monteiro, dermatologist from São Paulo, who collaborates with the Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM/Unifesp). “White stretch marks are like scars, that is, the entire inflammatory process has ended”, explains Marcia Pontes. “The sooner treatment begins, the better. It is faster and more efficient in the case of new stretch marks and more complex and less positive for old stretch marks”, says Adilson Costa, dermatologist from São Paulo, head of the Dermatology Service at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC/Campinas). “We never talk about healing, although some women present a significant recovery”, adds Paulo Barbosa. Conclusion: if you hide because of stretch marks, yes, it is worth investing in aesthetic treatments. And winter is the right time for that. Let’s go: did a detailed research to help you.

When plastic is the solution?

For those who have many old stretch marks on their belly, the result of one or more pregnancies, associated with excess skin, abdominoplasty can solve the problem. “If the patient has flaccid skin on her abdomen and if the stretch marks are located below the navel, they will all be removed”, says Marcia Pontes. “But if they are concentrated above it, they will partially come out.” According to her, women with stretch marks on their breasts and sagging breasts also benefit from plastic surgery. “Placement of the proper prosthesis promotes stretching of the skin, making stretch marks less visible.” The solution is only valid for women who no longer intend to become pregnant. “Otherwise, the problem may come back again”, adds Érica Monteiro.

Best treatments for stretch marks in offices

fractional laser (for new and old stretch marks)

The energy of fractional lasers, such as CO2 and Erbium, heats the area and promotes controlled damage to the epidermis and dermis in order to stimulate collagen production. “The skin is renewed and there is a good improvement in stretch marks that are less evident and more uniform, both in appearance and in color”, says Paulo Barbosa. Caution is required when treating dark or tanned skin, as there is a risk of staining. Three to eight sessions are indicated, depending on the type and amount of stretch marks, with an interval of 30 to 45 days between them.

Radio frequency and infrared (for new and old stretch marks)

These devices do not cause damage to the epidermis, as they only heat the surface layer, stimulating collagen. “In addition to stretch marks, they guarantee good results in sagging. For this reason, they are especially recommended for the best treatments in beauty offices for the abdomen after pregnancy”, says Paulo Barbosa. Eight to ten sessions are indicated, depending on the type and amount of stretch marks, with an interval of 21 days between them.

chemical peeling (for new and old stretch marks)

Acids such as retinoic, lactic, trichloroacetic, salicylic and glycolic acids promote chemical exfoliation of the skin. “There is cell renewal and the formation of new collagen fibers in the stretch mark area”, says Claudia Magalhães. Five to eight sessions are indicated, depending on the type and amount of stretch marks, with an interval of 15 to 30 days between them.

microdermabrasion (for new and old stretch marks)

Also known as crystal or diamond peeling, it is a type of mechanical peeling, which, through the friction of microcrystals or sandpaper with diamonds, exfoliates the skin from mild to strong intensity. Applied on stretch marks, it promotes skin renewal and stimulates collagen production in the treated area. Five to eight sessions are indicated, depending on the type and amount of stretch marks, with an interval of 15 to 30 days between them.

Filler with hyaluronic acid (for old stretch marks)

“The product is injected into the depressions, filling them and leveling the skin”, explains Érica Monteiro. And she adds: “In addition to this benefit, hyaluronic acid stimulates collagen production, leaving the skin even more uniform and firm”. Three to five sessions are indicated, depending on the amount of stretch marks, with an interval of 30 days between them.

dermal divulsion (for old stretch marks)

According to Érica Monteiro, this surgical procedure is the last resort for older, wider and deeper stretch marks. “We apply anesthesia to the site and, with a special needle, cause ruptures inside the dermis, where the stretch marks are located. Aggression causes a bruise that ends up stimulating the appearance of new collagen, ”she explains. Each stretch mark is treated individually, which can make the method quite time-consuming and painful. One or two sessions per stretch mark are indicated, with an interval of 60 days between them.

Maintenance of stretch marks at home with cream

Whichever treatment is chosen, it is essential to apply creams with active ingredients on a daily basis that help speed up skin recovery, in addition to contributing to prevention. They can be used together, in the same cream, or alternately and must be associated with moisturizing substances, essential to prevent the appearance of new stretch marks. See the main ones.

retinoic acid
“Both for new and old stretch marks, it is the most effective active”, says Claudia Magalhães. Érica Monteiro agrees: “Several scientific publications prove that retinoic promotes cell renewal and stimulates collagen production”. It is the same acid used in peelings, but in a much lower concentration. Even so, it can cause irritation on sensitive skin. Don’t even think about sunbathing, as there is a risk of staining the skin.

Vitamin C
It is milder than retinoids, but it also contributes to collagen production, but to a lesser extent.

Glycolic and salicylic acids
They exfoliate the skin, stimulating cell renewal and the penetration of other actives, such as retinoic acid and vitamin C.


It is the acronym for Secretion of Cryptomphalus Aspersa, a small land snail – it appears on labels as snail slime. This active principle was used in the recovery of burn victims from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Afterwards, it started to be synthesized artificially and used in the treatment of scars and stretch marks. “It acts as a skin regenerator, but it is less efficient than retinoic acid and vitamin C”, says Érica Monteiro. Paulo Barbosa has a similar opinion. “It could be a good sidekick. I usually indicate it for daytime use.” Adilson, on the other hand, emphasizes the need for more research.

moisturizing actives
“They are fundamental, not only in prevention but also in maintaining treatment. Without hydration, there is no method that works”, says Érica. Highlight for vitamin C, vitamin E, D-panthenol, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, retinol, grape seed oil and rosehip oil.

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