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Understanding Reiki Symbols |

O reiki – Japanese energy channeling technique, passed through the touch of the hands – its main objective is to energize and harmonize the physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies of those who receive it.

When applying the technique, the reikian (a professional who applies Reiki) mentalizes specific Reiki symbols and draws them in an imaginary way with his hands, in addition to repeating the name of each one.

The function of these symbols is to help the professional connect with Reiki and concentrate energy in the energetic, emotional, mental and physical fields of those who receive the application of the technique.

This causes a number of benefits in people who undergo therapy, such as relaxation, a sense of peace, increased energy, greater mental clarity and relief from pain and physical imbalances. It also balances and harmonizes, making each one understand their inner truth.

Each symbol has a name, a specific way of being traced, a field of action and a different function. And it is worth emphasizing that the person receiving Reiki does not need to know the symbols to feel the effects of the technique.

Only those who apply it – that is, the reikian – need to have a deep knowledge of the symbols, in order to use them as auxiliaries in the energy channeling process.

Only after the technique initiation course does the student become able to apply Reiki to other people, animals, plants or environments.

Reiki symbols are sacred

Reiki symbols are no different from any other symbol and until very recently were considered secret.

However, with the globalization of any and all information, knowledge and symbols have become public and are available to everyone.

However, they remain sacred and worthy of our immense respect and gratitude. Therefore, they must be used with all love, for their strength and action in the universe.

According to the concepts of Jungian psychology, the unconscious is expressed primarily through symbols.

In addition to the (personal) symbols found in a person’s dreams or fantasies, there are also important collective symbols, which are usually found in religious and cultural images, for example: the cross, the six-pointed star, the spiral and the circle.

Symbols represent concepts that we cannot clearly define or fully understand, as they encompass greater content than words can explain.

Mantras in Reiki

In the Reiki level 2 course, the participant learns three symbols and their names/mantras. At the third level, one more symbol and mantra is taught.

Thus, in total there are four mantras and symbols used (and learned) in the traditional Reiki system. Of course, with progress through the levels of learning one acquires information, knowledge and practice.

The symbols are not necessarily secret, but neither are they shared until the Reiki practitioner reaches an adequate level of understanding.

The Meaning of the Reiki Symbols

From now on you will be able to check out a series of articles about Reiki symbols. In this first moment we will approach one of the most used symbols in the technique: the “Cho-Ku-Rei”.


Definition: The Light Switch.

Color: It should be mentalized preferably in golden color, but it can be used in other colors, according to the position or Chakra of the person receiving the technique.

Concepts: Universal vital energy, divine light, here and now, beginning or entry of light, generation stage. Meditation until there is interaction between the mind and the world. Union with the whole, the “great void”, detachment from the terrestrial plane. The first step, the first experience.

Use: The Cho Ku Rei is a wonderful symbol of protection. If you are a reikian, it is very good to use it every day when you wake up and before going to sleep, as if you were sending light to your day in the morning, and light in gratitude at night.

Those who are not reikians can envision the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol to seek more light in their lives.

Cho-Ku-Rei can be used in all positions during the application of Reiki or on any person or region of your body. After all, the symbol means “light”, and it’s always good to send or receive that energy.

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