This Wednesday, January 6, is celebrated the Kings’ Day – a tribute from Christian tradition to the three wise men who visited Jesus at his birth. They symbolized the human race at different ages and ethnicities. Each gave a gift of special meaning when visiting the boy.
They meant to represent the kings of the world… Melchior presented him with gold, in recognition of royalty and prosperity. Gaspar carried incense in recognition of the deity. Balthazar gave myrrh in recognition of humanity. Enjoy the visit of the Magi and make your sympathy today to attract luck, abundance, money, prosperity and abundance!
8 Powerful Spells to Do on Twelfth Night
Good energies
Do this spell today to bring luck, love, money, peace and relief from suffering. Write the names of the three wise men (Baltasar, Gaspar and Melchior) next to each other on the top frame of the front door of your house. Then say the following prayer for the protection of your home and family: “Just as they brought light to Jesus, may they bring good energies to my home, protecting my family members. Amen”.
Have money all year
This sympathy is to have money all year round. First, place a pomegranate inside a red cloth bag and offer it to the three wise men. Then place it behind the door of the room like a charm.
Apples for Plenty
On January 6th, before midnight, serve four plates of apples on a new white tablecloth, one for you and one for each wise man. Eat yours. The next day, give a note of any value and one of the apples of kings to a child, and another note and the two remaining fruits to someone who is in need on the street (wearing a mask!). Deposit a third bill in a church box and keep one bill in your wallet until the end of the year. When you arrive, you donate that amount and redo the sympathy on the next Kings Day.
pomegranate seeds
Take a pomegranate and remove nine seeds, asking the three wise men that, in this year that begins, you have good health, love, peace and money. Then take three of the nine seeds and keep them in your wallet, so you never run out of money. The other three you swallow. And, the last three left, you throw them back making the requests you want.
Keep your accounts up to date
Cut a pomegranate in half and suck out three seeds. Place them on a piece of blue paper and fold it four times. Fix your mind on the three Wise Men, making a wish to each of them. Carry the paper in your wallet for a year, then throw it away and redo the spell. If possible, do the patuá on January 6th.
abundance in the home
On Twelfth Night, eat six seeds of a pomegranate, separating the pits. Meanwhile, he repeats the following words: “Just as the wise men presented Jesus Christ, they will also help me in everything I need. Amen”. Wrap another three seeds in a low-value bill and leave it in your purse or wallet. The other three seeds, put in a clothes drawer. Just get rid of them on the next Kings Day, in 2022, throwing them in the trash and using the money normally.
Attract money to trade
On January 6th, put water in a saucer with seven grains of rice, cover with plastic and leave next to the image of the three wise men (can be paper or printed), for seven consecutive days. After that period, throw everything in the trash. Put their image facing away from the main door of your house or business, for as long as you think it’s necessary.
protect the house
On Twelfth Night, make a white linen bag 7 cm wide and 12 cm high. On the edge, place a beautiful yellow satin ribbon. Fill it with raw lentils, raw rice, 16 coins and a small magnet. Then, take the edge of the bag to your mouth and place your orders inside; then closing it with two knots with the tape and leaving it in a high place, at the entrance of your house. It doesn’t matter whether you show it or hide it. The important thing is to believe and ask with great faith!
Text: Juliana H. Penteado | Editing: Mariana Oliveira and Renata Rocha