Home » Practical Resources » This is how you’ll know you’ve found someone special

This is how you’ll know you’ve found someone special


When you find the right person that was worth the wait, you’ll know. It won’t just be because she’s going to be your boyfriend or girlfriend. It won’t just be because she fits certain things that your parents or friends convinced you that you needed a partner.

It won’t just be that she has some good qualities and then you let them outweigh all the other not-so-good qualities.

When you find the right person, you will feel them at your core. The butterflies that people talk so much about? Yes, they are real and are sure to be fluttering in your stomach when you first kiss.

You’ll find yourself daydreaming at work just thinking about the next time you’ll be able to see her. You will wonder how you can feel peace and excitement at the same time. You will want to show her to everyone and you will be proud to have her by your side.


The right person will make every moment together natural and unique. Everything from dinner to a night out to meet friends, watch Netflix and adventure together will flow effortlessly and not feel forced.

Every conversation you have will create even more connection between you. You will feel totally aroused and agitated simply by being in the same room as this person.

Because this is your person. This is what finally makes your heart feel at home. This is the energy you are undeniably drawn to. That’s how you’ll know you’ve found someone special.


When our souls met


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