Each sign has a challenge. That’s because each of the 12 zodiac signs has qualities and challenges, virtues and conflicts. So, this article about birthstones is a self-knowledge tool!
The tip is: read the meanings for the three signs that are the basis of your personality: Sun, Ascendant and Moon. You can check your Free Birth Chart here. After all, we are the combination, and all the complexity, of our birth chart and not just the solar sign.
Birthstones: know which ones are yours
I believe that we already came with the tools to deal with everything we are predisposed to experience: trends and conflicts. The study of the stars helps us to deal with situations that are not harmonious and that resonate deeply in us. Also, if you want a service with me to help you deal with these situations and imbalances in your life, you can schedule your service with me here.
Thus, I analyzed the challenges and potential of each sign and, based on my experiences and studies, I indicate the best stones for each sign to use in their daily lives.
Aries Stones
Aries challenges and tendencies are often impulsiveness, spontaneity, naivety. The birthstones can therefore be:
Amethystwhich brings more wisdom to Aryan impulsiveness.pink tourmaline to channel loving energy into action.
And if you want to know Everything about the Sign of Aries, see this special page here.
Taurus zodiac stones
Possessiveness, materialism and good taste are among the characteristics of the Taurus sign. With that, there are two suggestions for birthstones:
A Agate it is a stone that can be used to help with expansion. In addition, it also provides support in situations where one seeks to leave one’s comfort zone. Selenite Orange clears resistance and helps develop flexibility.
Gemini Stones
Working on impatience, restlessness and versatility are themes typical of those with the Sun and Ascendant in Gemini. Therefore, the stones indicated for Gemini are:
Jasper it is, above all, indicated to anchor more earth in the excess of the Air Element of Gemini. azurite improves focus and enhances a pinpoint view.
Cancer Stones
The personality that you have Sun and Ascendant in Cancer is usually marked by attachment and, at the same time, sensitivity and melancholy.
A watermelon tourmaline helps with emotional hurts and wounds. Also, it helps when you need to resolve problematic family issues and relationships using empathy and Unconditional Love. Whereas, the Hematite helps with protection, like an energy mantle that surrounds and protects, increasing your energy and raising your security.
Leo and the birthstones
Generosity and nobility are keywords for those with the Sun and Ascendant in Leo. Just as creativity is also a hallmark of people with these placements on the Map. In this way, the stone tips for Leo are:
clear quartz leads to the evolution and potential of Leo idealism. In other words, it elevates the Leo tendency to be ahead, show off and show off, to pursue idealism, to be and make a difference in the world. already the quartz with sulfur cleans ego excesses and negative feelings like vanity. And in addition, exaggerated emotional swings when criticized.
Virgo Stones
After I analyzed people who were born with Sun or Ascendant in Virgo, I realized that they tend to have perfectionism, intelligence and criticism as characteristics present in their personality. So, the suggestion is that the Virgo stone is:
Selenite to help with cleaning at all levels and with flexibility.
Libra Stones
Now is the time for Sun and Ascendant in Libra! Vanity, kindness and idealization are usually personality traits of those with this placement on the Map. So these are the stone tips:
Amazonite helps to deal better with all external influence, balancing the electrical frequency of the mind with the magnetic frequency of the heart. Ônix cleans the energy field, as it also works with the negative energies of those who carry it, transmitting seriousness, humility and confidence.
Scorpio and birthstones
Intensity, transformation and mystery are quite common in the personality of those with Sun and Ascendant in Scorpio. So, the stone tips for you are:
smoky quartzas it brings light to intense vision, often dark and deep.Snowflake Obsidian sheds light on what is hidden, with greater intuition and, therefore, wisdom.
Sagittarius Stones
Originality, intuition and inspiration are the hallmarks of those with Sagittarius on the Sun or Ascendant. These are the signs for the sign:
red jasper help with anchoring. fluorite to relate well to changes, especially mental ones, helping to achieve inner transformation.
Capricorn Stones
Responsibility, persistence and effort are very present in the personality of those with Sun or Ascendant in Capricorn. My stone analysis for the sign is:
Aquamarineas it helps to get out of the turmoil of emotion and expose what one feels in words.
Aquarius Stones
The three main hallmarks of Aquarius rising are often innovation, originality and vision. So, the stone tip is:
sodalite, which provides the ability to think rationally and intellectually and to come to logical conclusions. In addition, it stabilizes mental power and allows you to make the change from emotional to rational.
Pisces and birthstones
The challenges and tendencies of Pisces Sun Rising tend to be compassion, empathy and understanding. And these are the stone tips for the sign:
Rose Quartz is essential for self-realization and inner peace as it soothes heartaches. Citrine is indicated to manifest itself with firmness and it touches the sense of inner certainty, helping with confidence and security.