Saying that someone is your best friend is not just anything!
The best friends are those sisters that we choose. Those confidants who are always there to listen to us and make us feel better. Those accomplices with whom we share all our pranks.
Maybe you think that you and your best friend know absolutely everything about each other. But we assure you that, with these 30 questions, in addition to laughing out loud and reflecting a little, you will discover that there are many things that are still to be discovered.
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30 questions to ask your best friend
1.- If you could move to any place in the world, where would it be and why would you choose precisely that place?
2.- If you had to go live on a desert island, what would be the three most important things you would take with you, because you can’t live without them?
3.- Is there a very deep fear that you have had since childhood and that you have not shared with anyone?
4.- On average, how long does it normally take you before you are ready to go out?
5.- At this moment in your life, who do you consider your greatest hero or heroine?
6.- What is your idea of a perfect date with your partner?
7.- What was the name of your first love? Did you ever tell him what you felt or did you never dare to?
8.- Tell me three movies that you can’t help but cry at.
9.- What would you say is the most important aspect of someone’s personality? Something that has nothing to do with your physique.
10.- If you could choose any job in the world, what would it be and why?
11.- Tell me 3 things that you always carry with you everywhere.
12.- Of all the local jokes and private jokes that we have between us, which one is your favorite?
13.- What can bother you the most in a person? something you don’t tolerate at all.
14.- If you could eliminate one memory from your past, what would it be and why?
15.- Is there something that obsesses you or that you think about all the time?
16.- Have your family or other friends ever given you a nickname that you don’t know? what does it mean?
17.- If you were on a podium giving a speech to hundreds of people, what do you think you would be saying?
18.- What is the last book you finished reading?
19.- If you were given the choice between a fully organized trip around the world and money, what would you choose?
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20.- In your opinion, what skill or knowledge is fundamental for life and is something that they do not teach us in school?
21.- How old were you the first time you kissed someone?
22.- If any of your wishes could come true, what would you wish for?
23.- What part of your body tickles you the most?
24.- If you had to choose between true love and a lot of money, what would you choose?
25.- Have you ever considered stopping being my friend? because?
26.- What would you never forgive me for doing or saying?
27.- What has cost you the most to forgive me?
28.- What do you think is the worst thing you have done to me in your life?
29.- What do you think has been our best moment together?
30.- Do you think we will still be such friends in 10 years?
There are many other questions you can ask your best friend. The questions asked here are just a few examples. Share with us the craziest questions that have been asked!
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