Under review
“The Force is my ally, and a powerful ally it is. It creates life, it makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and unites us. We are luminous beings” Yoda’s phrases continue to inspire us regardless of time or place.
Yoda’s phrases are part of our collective, cultural, philosophical and even emotional ideology.. The grand master of the Jedi order is barely 66 cm tall and yet he has been establishing himself in the hearts of millions of people for decades. A character who was initially conceived to be Luke Skywalker’s mentor, became a legend and one of the most iconic Star Wars figures.
It fascinated us when it was already more than 900 years old and it has captivated us now when we learn about its origins in the series The Mandalorian. George Lucas says that he wanted to create the typical character from classical mythology or fairy tales towards whom we almost immediately develop great trust. He is the figure that guides the heroes. He is the icon that inspires wisdom and balance to generation after generation.
His phrases, Despite having the unusual tendency of placing verbs at the end of each sentence, they are legacies that continue to make us smile and evoking unforgettable moments from the Star Wars saga.
Yoda Quotes
Yoda’s story has its most decisive beginning just after being Padawan of Master N’Kata Del Gormo. It is then that he becomes a teacher and guides nearly two thousand apprentices. His skill as a counselor, trainer, and teacher reaches such a level of wisdom that he is named Grand Master of the Jedi order.
He masters the lightsaber like no other, uses techniques such as telekinesis and is one of the creatures most sensitive to the power of the Force. Thus, and although no one is really clear about where his race comes from, we know that he has a secondary brain that allows him to have visions. Their small size does not matter, because the power of the Force makes them powerful, unique creatures in the entire known galaxy.
For this reason, Yoda’s phrases represent original legacies of wisdom that are worth remembering.
1. Jedi Philosophy
“We are luminous beings.”
The Force is a metaphysical entity present throughout the Universe, an energy field that unites all living beings.. This entity is what gives power to the Jedi and illuminates him among others because his responsibility is to do good, maintain balance… And also, protect himself from that darker side.
2. A war that never ends
“Better things a Jedi Master should be doing than fighting! Seeking wisdom. Finding balance. But these are the days we have had to live.”
The great hyperspace war, the great Jedi secession, the galactic civil war, the Sith war, the Mandalorian wars… Conflicts are a continuum in Yoda’s life and, although that should not be his job, it is, as he points out, the responsibility that falls on him and the rest of the Jedi.
3. Yoda phrases: the correct teaching
“You must unlearn what you have learned.”
Making contact with the Force requires in all cases putting aside many of the things in which one grows up and in which one has been educated. Only in this way can you learn correctly what is important.
Emotions such as fear, anger or rage are turbulence for the Force field and this is something that every Jedi must be initiated into.
4. The temptation of evil
“When you look at the dark side, you must be careful… since the Dark side looks at you too.”
This is another of the most classic Yoda phrases and which, in turn, reminds us in some way of Nietzsche’s classic phrase “When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.” It is a way of reminding us that, sometimes, there is a very fine step between good and evil.
5. The Jedi’s determination is firm
“Do it, or do not, but do not try”.
That’s how it is, This phrase from Yoda stands as a great lesson in personal growth and courage. If we want something, if we really want to do something, it is not worth staying halfway, it is not worth trying once and then backing out. If you start something, finish it.
6. The voice of experience
“Do you want to know the difference between a master and an apprentice? The master has failed more times than the beginner has tried.”
Everyone knows that Master Yoda has character, is demanding and can be severe on certain occasions. After all, He has almost a century of experience behind him and, therefore, no apprentice can measure up to him.
7. A calm mind
“You will know right from wrong when you are calm, at peace. Passive. “A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.”
That is the key and the goal of every Jedi: to train a calm mind free of fear, envy and frustration. Only when body, mind and heart are in harmony, the power of the Force is more intense.
8. Detachment, the path of Strength
“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear losing.”
Among Yoda’s phrases this is one of the most interesting. It speaks to us, in a way, about detachment, about that ability to allow ourselves to flow with our own reality instead of going against it. It is putting aside the fear, stress, anxiety, sadness of yesterday to allow ourselves to be in harmony. It also implies stop needing to embrace the freedom of the present moment.
9. The student becomes the teacher
“When I am gone, the last of the Jedi you will be. The Force runs strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned.”
Luke Skywalker had two great mentors: Obi-Wan and Yoda. On him fell one of the greatest responsibilities: to become a great Jedi master and the hope of the Galaxy.
10. The true victory of the Jedi
“To defeat an enemy it is not necessary to kill him. Defeat the rage in him and your enemy will be no more. “Anger is the real enemy.”
Few Yoda phrases can be more inspiring. Beating someone goes beyond physical defeat and taking life. True victory comes when we manage to appease the anger of our enemy.
11. A long life
“When you reach 900 years old, your appearance will not be so good.”
As we have seen in The Mandalorian, the species to which Yoda belongs has a life expectancy that can reach up to 100 years. You therefore have the right to take pride in your good appearance.
12. What is to come…
“It is difficult to see. “The future is always in motion.”
Who knows what tomorrow will bring us? Nothing is as uncertain as the future, which is why it is necessary to assume that tomorrow is full of probabilities that we cannot always control.…Still being a great master of the Force.
13. Death is part of life
“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who are transformed in the Force. You shouldn’t cry for them. Missing them either. Attachment to jealousy leads. The black shadow of greed is.”
Few things are as difficult to accept as the end of life. Death is always a tragedy, but Every Jedi knight knows that whoever leaves, ends up being part of the Force… And the Force is everything.
14. The dark side of the Force is powerful
“The dark side is not stronger, it is the quick, easy and seductive path.”
The Sith are those quintessential practitioners of the dark side of the Force. However, as one of Yoda’s best-known phrases points out, You have to be careful, because that path is actually the most tempting…
15. The importance of trusting yourself
“If you cannot believe, that is why you fail.”
Once again, belief is power. However, we often forget, there are many times when we do not trust our potential and abilities and perhaps that is why we fail again and again.
16. The power of the mind
“Guns don’t win battles. Your mind, powerful it is.”
Beyond the laser sword, beyond weapons and spaceships, there is that entity capable of defeating any enemy: our mind.
17. That which makes you great
“Size does not matter. Look at me. You judge me by my size, huh? And you shouldn’t, because my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally is… It creates life, it makes it grow, it penetrates us and surrounds us… We are luminous beings! Not this raw matter!”
We pointed out at the beginning, Master Yoda is barely 66 centimeters tall. However, his power and abilities transcend thanks to the Force.
18. Identify what you fear
“Your fear must be named before you banish it.”
Another of Yoda’s great phrases that we should always keep in mind: Fears are overcome when we identify them, when we give them a name and visibility.
19. The origin of anger
“It is a lifelong challenge, not to turn fear into anger.”.
Many of our fears can be, if not controlled, the spark that ignites the fire of anger and hatred. Let us keep in mind the advice of the great teacher.
20. The importance of calm and patience
“When the road is unsafe, we must better wait.”
Calm and patience are the best advisors on the journey of life. Being prudent does not save us from many dangers and from those twists in the road that destiny itself sometimes brings.
To conclude, Yoda’s phrases continue to be original legacies of inspiration that are always worth returning to enjoy…
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