The “wounded self” is nothing more than the set of pains and fears that are recorded in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies (these last three are subtle bodies), throughout the experiences we live.
And many of these subtle injuries can be the cause of the main imbalances in our pillars, those that sustain all areas of life, including the affective one.
In the test below, you will find out which aspect of the “wounded self” is hurting and disturbing your life, as well as guidelines to keep it more balanced.
Choose only one option in each question, the one that comes closest to your attitude towards each situation described. write down your answers and then check the result.
1 – When you look in the mirror, do you feel comfortable and happy with your image?
A – Yes, I love looking at myself in the mirror. B – Yes, I like my image. C – No, I feel uncomfortable. D No, I hate what I see.
2 – When you make a mistake, how do you act with yourself?
A – It’s hard for me to make mistakes, so I don’t have a problem with that. B – I understand that to err is human and I move on. C – I know that making mistakes is part of it, but I blame myself for what I did wrong. D – I keep brooding over the mistake, feeling really bad about myself.
3 – How do you react when someone compliments you?
A – I am not surprised, because I usually receive many compliments. B – I am happy for the recognition of my qualities. C – I like receiving compliments, but sometimes I think people are just trying to please me. D – I feel uncomfortable, like a farce.
4 – How does your thinking react when dealing with a rejection?
A – The other person doesn’t know anything at all, how can he act that way with me? B – I can’t please everyone and that doesn’t make me more or less than I am. C – I’m sad, but I keep going, after all, it’s not the first nor the last rejection I’ll face. D – I’m devastated.
5 – What is the phrase that has the most to do with you?
A – I really am the best! B – Life is beautiful. C – In spite of the regrets, I love life. D – Life is hard.
6 – How do you evaluate your power to accomplish your goals and to achieve what you want?
A – Very good, I always get what I want and I go all the way when I have a goal, no matter what the cost. B – Well, I strive and do my best, even if I don’t get everything I want. C – Reasonable, I make an effort, but sometimes I get discouraged and my paths seem to become heavy. D – Bad, it’s hard to finish what I start, I almost always give up.
7 – When I feel confronted, threatened by another person, how do I react?
A – I respond to the threat made to me, after all, who does this person think he is? B – I realize that she has some reason, even if unjustifiable, for such an attitude, and I try to put myself in the best possible light. C I feel bad and wonder why the person is being so aggressive. But I answer as I can. D – I get very distressed and unresponsive, wanting to run away.
8 – What is your attitude when a situation takes you out of your comfort zone?
A – I feel quite excited by the challenging situation. B – I get butterflies in my stomach, but I know that overcoming challenges is rewarding and I keep going. C – I am hesitant, but I go ahead, even if with insecurity. D – I get very resistant, I don’t like to leave my comfort zone.
9 – What sentence has the most to do with my way of facing a very difficult situation?
A – Life is a struggle and I am a good fighter, I face whatever comes my way! B – It is from overcoming obstacles that my growth and strength come, so I try to learn from these situations. C – There’s no way, I have to face it, so I move on and that’s how I take it. D – Damn it, I can’t take it anymore.
10 – What is it like for you to have to make decisions?
A – Something very easy for me, I like to make decisions. B – Something natural. C – Uncomfortable, but necessary. D – Difficult and distressing.
First you will add what score did you have on answers from 1 to 5. This result will reveal how you are in relation to your self love and if he is being affected by the “hurt self”.
Then add the result of answers from 6 to 10. It will reveal how you are in relation to your personal power and if he is being affected by the “hurt self”.
All letters A – 3 points
All letters B – 2 points
All letters C – 1 point
All letters D – 0 point
If your result falls on the threshold between two ranges of scores, read the result for the two closest ranges.
The sum of questions 1 to 5 reveals your self-esteem
Score from 0 to 3 (on questions 1 to 5)
Your self-esteem is being affected by the hurt-self and needs to be strengthened. Exercise self-acceptance, don’t criticize yourself so much. Know how to recognize your qualities and capabilities, valuing them.
We all have weaknesses and defects, and just as we need to accept and work on them, we must also do the same with our strengths and virtues. Over the next month, at least once a day, look in the mirror and remember the qualities you most admire about yourself, whether they be physical, mental or emotional attributes.
Say, then, looking into your own eyes, the following affirmation out loud: “I love and accept myself as I am unconditionally”.
Score from 4 to 7 (on questions 1 to 5)
Seek to strengthen your self-esteem even more, healing your injured self even more. You can already look at yourself with more acceptance and appreciation, but you can exercise your self-esteem more strongly.
Start by reinforcing the recognition of your qualities and virtues, to look at your challenges from them. Realize that the defects are aspects that challenge you to know how to deal with them and they don’t have to be something bad, but rather stimulating.
Over the next month, look in the mirror daily and remember the qualities you most admire about yourself, be they physical, mental, or emotional attributes. Looking into your own eyes, say the affirmation out loud: “I love and accept myself as I am unconditionally.”
Score from 8 to 11 (on questions 1 to 5)
Keep your self-esteem high, but be careful not to overdo it, otherwise your wounded self can harm you through excessive self-love.
Maintaining balance is something dynamic, so keep observing yourself, evaluating how you have been exercising your self-acceptance and self-worth, remembering that it is unbalanced both by your lack and by your excess.
Look over the next month, at the end of each day, to notice in which situations you exaggerated or lacked self-esteem, and ask yourself why you acted that way. If you can, write every day what you observed and, at the end of the month, reread what you wrote, deepening your perceptions.
Score from 13 to 15 (on questions 1 to 5)
How about reassessing if you haven’t been being too self-indulgent and self-valuing too much? A lack of self-esteem is harmful, but its excess is also harmful and damages your self-esteem, denoting subtle injuries due to the exaggeration of what is your quality.
Excessive self-love is a way to make up for some lack. Look over the next month, at the end of each day, to notice in which situations you exaggerated with self-love, and ask yourself why you acted that way.
If you can, write every day what you observed and, at the end of the month, reread what you wrote, deepening your perceptions and perceiving more clearly why you tend to exaggerate in the manifestation of this energy.
Sum of questions 6 to 10 reveals your personal power
Score from 0 to 3 (on questions 6 to 10)
It’s time to believe in yourself and your abilities, overcoming the insecurities that your wounded self causes you. If we start bodybuilding and want to lift weights, but we are still weak, it will be necessary to start little by little, opting for lighter weights, and then gradually increase them.
This also works with your “muscles” of personal power. Start with small overcoming goals, with simple aspects of life. Over the next month, try to do something once a day that takes you out of your comfort zone.
Encourage yourself to overcome discomfort and go further, proposing to do what you usually avoid. For example: I’m embarrassed to say good morning or say hello to people, so at least once a day I’ll do that.
Score from 4 to 7 (on questions 6 to 10)
Try to strengthen your personal power a little more, after all, the injured self is preventing your life from flowing as it could.
How about putting your power and strength into practice and developing them even further, benefiting from all the achievements they can provide you? Strive to go beyond your comfort zones, overcome your fears. Realize how you end up sabotaging yourself by running away from certain situations, avoiding them, and propose to face them.
What are the situations that you leave for later, because you are lazy or afraid to face them? Do I have difficulties imposing my will in relationships? Am I ashamed to speak in public? Am I afraid of confrontations and fights and that’s why I end up omitting myself? Identify your fears and face them!
Score from 8 to 12 (on questions 6 to 10)
Keep your personal power strong, but don’t overdo it. Propose to face your biggest fears and biggest discomforts.
Realize what in your life you always end up avoiding or having difficulties: apologizing to others, recognizing your weaknesses or defects, listening to criticism, accepting opinions different from yours, accepting people as they are. But be careful not to go with too much strength or willpower and end up being too self-demanding.
Don’t let your wounded self wield too much personal power. Realize that this confrontation and overcoming is a process that takes time and it takes persistence and patience to get there!
Score from 13 to 15 (on questions 6 to 10)
It’s time to reassess if you haven’t been too self-demanding and demanding too much. Is your life heavy? Do situations become serious or urgent all the time? How about proposing to take life less seriously and be more flexible with yourself and with people?
Your wounded self most likely takes advantage of your ease with your power and leads you to overuse it. Try to reflect if throughout your life you haven’t ended up creating a shell of protection and self-affirmation based on your strength and power, and how much these same shells imprison you today or make your actions, emotions and thoughts stiff.
Throughout your day, every time you feel that things are getting too heavy or too serious, disarm yourself, smile, take it easy!