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Step-by-step instructions for safe and effective shaving

Razor hair removal is very popular because of its practicality and speed compared to other hair removal methods. However, to get the best out of this hair removal and use the method safely, it is important to follow some tips and care.

And the attention starts even before the epilation itself, in the market or in the pharmacy – wherever you go to buy your razor for hair removal. When choosing the device, experts recommend disposable blades. It is still preferable to opt for blades that contain a lubricating line to facilitate hair removal.

After choosing your device to shave with a blade, follow the step-by-step guide to remove hair without complication and safely:

Step 1: Make a light exfoliation on the skin where you will be shaving. Choose an exfoliator with moisturizing properties. You can use a ready-made scrub or make your own homemade scrub.

Step 2 : After exfoliation, the ideal is to moisturize the skin. You can use an oil-free lotion if your skin is oily, or a moisturizing cream or oil if your skin is dry. This step is important to avoid injuries and cuts to the skin.

Step 3: Choose a product to make the hair removal process easier. Among those suggested by experts are cream, gel or even soap foam. The important thing is not to shave on dry skin.

Precautions you should take

It is recommended to use warm water at the time of epilation, as this facilitates the removal of hair. This is because the slightly higher temperature of the water dilates the pores.

When shaving, remove the hairs in the opposite direction of their growth to ensure they are cut close to the root.

When shaving more sensitive areas and regions with mucous membranes, such as the groin, it is important to redouble care.

If an accident happens and you cut yourself with the blade, apply an astringent to the area to stop the bleeding. If it’s a more serious cut, get medical help.

As for the storage of the blades and the device, it must be done in a dry and ventilated place. Never leave them in the bathroom, much less in the shower, because humidity can favor the emergence of fungi and bacteria.

Follow the tips and take care to shave without taking risks and get smooth skin in a few minutes.

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