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Say the prayer for prosperity and protection of the orisha Oxóssi

Today, January 20th, we celebrate the Orisha Ochosi, the hunter and lord of the woods. He is also known as the Lord of hunting, forest, animals, plenty and sustenance through food.

It is he who brings plenty and abundance to all his children and devotees. Its main characteristics are lightness, cunning, wisdom and a cunning way of capturing game.

Ochosi he is also a hunter of faith. Of those who have lost faith in God, in life and in themselves. He is the axé hunter, the one who looks for good things for an ile, the one who hunts for good influences and positive energies.

His weapon is the bow and arrow, which shows his accuracy in hitting the target. The “certain arrows” show his firm determination and objectivity, characteristics of Ochosi and your sons.

When Ochosi goes out to hunt, he sets the target and prepares to hit, knowing and respecting the forces of nature. Act without arrogance, without vanity, but in a rational, lucid way.

Ochosi he is also known as the lord of woods and forests, owner of all fruits, herbs, flowers and all life existing in forests, fields, woods and surroundings. He is the lord of fauna and flora. Its first element of action is the vegetable, which purifies, cleans, nourishes and heals us. And your second is air, which takes, spreads and expands.

Ochosi is also associated with knowledge. It works in our mind, stimulating the search for knowledge in the broadest sense of the word, in order to expand all the senses of our life, intelligence, wisdom and knowledge.

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field of action: hunter and knowledge

Elements: vegetable and air

Colors: green (also dark blue and magenta)

commemorative date: 20th of January

Day of the week: Thursday

Syncretism: San Sebastian

Prayer to Ochosi of Prosperity

Father Oxóssi, king of the forests, owner of the forests

We ask for the strength and protection of your forest

Guide our ways, giving the necessary wisdom

May plenty and abundance not be lacking in our home

The daily bread is present in the same way that the fruits are part of your offering

May we have the balm in our life according to our every need

Save all caboclos and caboclas of light

Oke Arô Ochosi!

Prayer of Ochosi for Protection

Oh Ochosi hunter! Warrior of a single arrow!

King of Matas, King of Umbanda, give us the blessings of prosperity

and inspires us with good thoughts.

Indicate with your sacred arrow the true paths of prosperity.

Okê Arô, Ochosi!!!

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