Patron of prisoners and archers, as well as defender of the Church and apostle of confessors, San Sebastian was born in the Roman Empire and became head of its guard. A Christian, he converted many soldiers with the Word of the Lord, but was accused of treason by Emperor Dioceclanus, who worshiped the Roman deities.
São Sebastião was sentenced to death, they tied him to a tree and he received several arrows. But even so, he survived and continued to preach the Word of God. So he was arrested and beaten to death for his belief, becoming a martyr for Christianity.
The saint died on January 20th, and therefore, it is celebrated on this date. Years later, a plague took over Europe and the faithful cried out for the help of the saint, who attended to them, curing several faithful. In this way, he came to be invoked against calamities, famine, and war. If you need a grace, pray to Saint Sebastian with great faith and trust in the power of this miraculous saint.
Check out these prayers to honor Saint Sebastian on this day
strengthen faith
“O glorious Saint Sebastian, who in a pagan society remained faithful to Christ, giving his life for him, obtain for us the grace to always witness, in today’s world, by word and deed, our love for God. Amen .”
In honor of San Sebastian
“O Almighty God and mighty God, grant us, through the intercession of your martyr Saint Sebastian, the spirit of strength. May we learn from him to know how to distinguish the values of earthly life and eternal values, to obey you more than to men. In any situation of life and work, let us have your spirit to know how to choose what is your will. Amen.”
Source: Prayers of all times of the Church, Professor Felipe Aquino (org.), Publisher Cleófas, 2nd ed.
ask for blessings
“Saint Sebastian, glorious martyr of Jesus Christ and powerful advocate against the plague, defend me, my family and the whole country from the terrible scourge.
from pestilence and from all evils, so that by serving Jesus Christ,
we receive the grace to share your glory in heaven. Amen!”
prayer to the martyr
“Almighty and eternal God, who through the intercession of Saint Sebastian, your glorious martyr, encouraged the imprisoned Christians and freed entire cities from the contagion of the plague, answer our humble prayers, help us in our needs, relieve us of our anguish, revive the imprisoned, heal the sick, deliver us from contagion. By the merits of Saint Sebastian, answer us, Lord. Amen.”
Source: Prayers and Popular Saints, Father Paulo José Scopel, Salles Editora, 2004.
to San Sebastian
“O glorious Saint Sebastian, who through martyrdom shed your blood for the sake of the Gospel of Christ, be a protector and intercessor with God the Father for all those who suffer in prisons. Grant them the grace of recognizing their mistakes so that they may propose to walk towards truth and liberation. Remove the blindfold from their eyes so that, coming out of the darkness, they see the true light that is Jesus. Look with affection at the family of these brothers so that they persevere in the faith of having their relatives released and free from sins. Saint Sebastian, through your intercession, watch over us all so that we distance ourselves from evil. Amen.”
Consultant: Marcello Simon
Novena of San Sebastian
“Saint Sebastian, pray for us. Saint Sebastian, pray for us. Saint Sebastian, pray for us. O glorious martyr Saint Sebastian, you who shed your blood and gave your life in witness to the faith, in Our Lord Jesus Christ. O Glorious martyr Saint Sebastian, obtain from this same Lord the grace of being conquerors of our true enemies, having, power and pleasure.
O glorious martyr Saint Sebastian, protect us with your intercession, and deliver us from all evil, from all bodily, moral and spiritual epidemics. Make those who have lost their faith convert to Jesus and help the just to persevere in faith to the end. O eternal God, who through the intercession of Saint Sebastian, your glorious martyr, encouraged imprisoned Christians and freed entire cities from the contagion of the plague, answer our prayers that we confidently present to you today.
Help us in our needs, relieve us in our anguish, deliver us from floods, protect the farmers, guard the crops. We also ask, O glorious Saint Sebastian, heal the sick and deliver us from contagion. Saint Sebastian, young disciple of Jesus, pray for us! Saint Sebastian, young disciple of Jesus, pray for us! Saint Sebastian, young disciple of Jesus, pray for us! Amen”.