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Prayer to Our Lady of Exile to ward off evils

This Catholic title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary represents the Holy Family’s flight to Egypt. A prayer of Our Lady of Exile It has a reputation for promoting great spiritual cleansing and attracting blessings, courage and strength. It can be done whenever you feel the need, with faith and gratitude.

What is the protection of Our Lady of Exile?

It is known to ward off evils and grant protection in life-changing moments. To make the prayer of Our Lady of Exile, look for a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. If you want, you can light a candle and/or incense to help with the connection. Sit comfortably and try to calm your body and mind through deep, conscious breathing. Look, hold or visualize the image of the saint and read the text, paying close attention to each word. Thank you at the end.

Prayer to Our Lady of Exile

“Mary knows all our needs, sorrows, sadness, misery and hopes. She is interested in each of her children, praying for each one with as much fervor as if she had no other. (Servant of God, Mother Maria José de Jesus)

Our Lady of Exile, Mother of God and ours, who suffered the anguish and uncertainty of flight and exile in distant and unknown Egypt, taking with you the Son threatened with death by Herod, hear our supplication. Here we are, trusting in your love as a kind and understanding Mother. To you, who are already in the definitive homeland, we beg, asking for protection for us, pilgrims in this world, walking to meet the Father, in the heavenly Kingdom. We ask for your intercession for all families who seek the comfort of a home, the security of work, and their daily bread. Bless this place, this people who trust in you and are honored to invoke you as Patroness.

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Intercede for those who suffer, give health to the sick, lift up the discouraged, restore hope to the helpless of this earth. Accompany migrants, refugees and all those who are far from their homeland and family. Protect children, give vigor to youth, bless families, encourage the elderly. Give us strength to build a living and holy Church and work for a just and fraternal world. And after our journey through the world, show us Jesus, blessed is the fruit of your womb. O clement, O pious, O sweet ever Virgin, Mary!

Our Lady, pray for us. Amen.”

Source: Dr. Filó

Evening Prayer Our Lady of Exile

“O Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the World, Queen of Heaven and Earth, advocate of sinners, helper of Christians, protector of the poor, comforter of the sad, support of orphans and widows, relief of souls pains, help of the afflicted, banisher of indigence, of calamities, of bodily and spiritual enemies, of the cruel death of eternal torments, of every venomous animal and animal, of evil thoughts, of terrifying dreams, of terrible scenes and frightening visions, of rigor the day of judgment, plagues, fires, disasters, witchcraft and curses, evildoers, thieves, robbers and murderers.

My beloved mother, I now prostrate at your feet, with pious tears, full of regret for my heavy sins, through you I beg forgiveness from the infinitely good God.

Pray to your Divine Son Jesus, for our families, so that he banishes all these evils from our lives, gives us forgiveness for our sins and enriches us with his divine grace and mercy.

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Cover us with your maternal mantle, oh divine star of the mountains.

Destroy from us all evils and curses.

Drive away the pestilence and unrest from us.

May we, through you, obtain from God the cure for all illnesses, find the doors of Heaven open and be happy with you for all eternity.


Source: Prayer and Faith

Prayer to Our Lady of Exile to keep someone away

“Powerful Our Lady of Exile, in the name of God I ask, exile (say the name) forever from my path, where you don’t hear the rooster crow and the ox chew the cud.

Our Lady of Exile, (name) is not stronger than the wind, the sun, or steel; It has no more strength than the blood of Jesus crucified, nor the consecrated host.

It is with faith that I ask our Lady of Exile for this miracle.

Away and desert (name) forever from my path, to the high waves of the sacred sea. So be it!


Source: Prayer and Faith

Read more: prayer of Our Lady of Aparecida It is prayer of Our Lady of Sorrows.

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