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Prayer to cheer the soul and promote spiritual cleansing

Do you go through challenging times and are you afraid, worried, discouraged and/or sad? A prayer to cheer the soul is known for its power to promote spiritual cleansing and open space for positive energies and new opportunities. It can be done at any time and day of the week.

How to ask God to calm your heart?

Preferably, perform the ritual in a quiet place, where you will not be interrupted. It is worth lighting a candle and/or incense to help with the connection. Make yourself comfortable and try to calm your body and mind through deep, conscious breathing. With faith, read the prayer to cheer the soul and thank you at the end.

“My Lord, my soul is troubled; anguish, fear and panic take over me. I know that this happens because of my lack of faith, the lack of abandonment in Your holy hands and not fully trusting in Your infinite power. Forgive me, Lord, and increase my faith. Don’t look at my misery and my self-centeredness.

I know that I am terrified because I insist and insist, out of my misery, on relying only on my miserable human forces, on my methods and my resources. Forgive me, Lord, and save me, O my God. Give me the grace of faith, Lord; give me the grace to trust in the Lord without measures, without looking at danger, but looking only at You, Lord; Help me, O God.

I feel alone, abandoned, and there is no one who can help me except the Lord. I abandon myself in Your hands, Lord, in them I place the reins of my life, the direction of my walk and I leave the results in Your hands. I believe in You, Lord, but increase my faith. I know that the resurrected Lord walks beside me, but even so I still fear, because I cannot abandon myself entirely in Your hands. Help my weakness, Lord.”

Source: Felipe Aquino – Canção Nova

Prayer to cheer the soul

“I know that everything works together for the good of those who love You, Lord (Rm 8:28), and I love You. I am a miserable sinner, but I love You. So, I know that everything the Lord allows to happen to me will be for my good, even in the fire of this trial the Lord is shaping me, he is polishing me, he is saving me and changing me for the better. I know that it is in the crucible of the fire of suffering that the Lord purifies souls. Give me the grace to bear everything, Lord, in faith, with patience, resignation, always giving You thanks. I know that tomorrow I will reap the fruits of this entire ordeal. Blessed are you, Lord!

I know that the resurrected Lord walks beside me, I hold Your hands, I throw myself into Your arms. I know the Lord takes care of me. Faced with each problem, I want to ask You: “How are we going to solve this, Lord?” I don’t know, but the Lord knows. Give me Your Holy Spirit, give me Your wisdom and strength. Come, Holy Spirit, occupy my mind and my heart. I want to be Yours, O Divine Holy Spirit, I want to be renewed in You, in the faith and love of God.

I do not allow, Lord, sadness to take over me. I want to always rejoice, because the Lord is near (Phil 4:4s). In Your name, I cast out all my soul’s sadness and every worry. In Your name, I do not allow my soul to be suffocated and my life crushed and marred by sadness.”

Source: Felipe Aquino – Canção Nova

Prayer to calm the soul

“Calm my soul, Lord, which is confounded by sorrows, faced with unresolved or unresolved problems.

Calm my soul, Lord, when dawn arrives and sleep does not come for the much-needed rest of the body tired from the daily struggle.

Calm my soul, Lord, and take my life into Your hands. Guide me so that I do not get lost in the tortuous paths of despair and anguish, which, insistently, knock on the door of my thoughts and my heart.

Calm my soul, Lord, balance my energies and strengthen my spirit. And so, only like this, with Your love grounding my life, will I be able to win today and always. Amen.”

Source: Children of Mary

What is the psalm to calm the heart?

It is believed that the habit of reading psalms daily has the power to bring peace of mind. But each of the texts is usually related to a specific subject. O Psalm 77for example, is very suitable for calming the heart:

1. I cried out to God with my voice, I lifted up my voice to God, and he inclined his ear to me.
2. In the day of my distress I sought the Lord; my hand stretched out in the night, and did not cease; my soul refused to be consoled.
3. I remembered God, and I was troubled; she complained to me, and my spirit failed. (Saddle.)
4. You kept my eyes awake; I’m so upset I can’t speak.
5. He considered the days of old, the years of ancient times.
6. In the night I called to remembrance my song; I meditated in my heart, and my spirit searched.
7. Will he reject the Lord forever and not be favorable again?
8. Has his kindness ceased forever? Is the promise from generation to generation over?
9. Did God forget to have mercy? Or has he shut up his mercies in his wrath? (Saddle.)
10. And I said: This is my infirmity; but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High.
11. I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember your wonders of old.
12. I will also meditate on all your works, and I will talk about your deeds.
13. Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary. Who is a God as great as our God?
14. You are the God who works wonders; you have made your strength known among the people.
15. With your arm you redeemed your people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. (Selah.)
16. The waters saw you, O God, the waters saw you, and trembled; the abysses also shook.
17. The clouds released water, the heavens gave a sound; your arrows ran from one place to another.
18. The voice of your thunder was in the sky; lightning lit up the world; the earth shook and trembled.
19. Your way is in the sea, and your paths in the wide waters, and your steps are not known.
20. You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Read more: prayer of Our Lady of Aparecida It is prayer of Our Lady of Sorrows.

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