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Off course moon in 2023: meaning and dates |

At first, in Astrology, when the Moon is in a sign and no longer has the prospect of making a Ptolemaic aspect (angles of 0, 60, 90, 120 and 180 degrees) with another planet until the end of its passage through it, we say it is empty or off course. Therefore, when we talk about Moon off course 2023, we are referring to when this phenomenon will happen next year.

The main feature of moon off course (LFC) is the “unpredictability” factor. Basically, events do not unfold as expected.

In everyday life, when the Moon is out of course, there is more chance of delays and unforeseen events, especially if something involves resolving matters that depend on the action of other people.

For example, if you need to return an item of clothing that you have won and that does not fit you, it may be that, if you are going to do this during the Moon out of Course, you arrive at the store and do not find your size (and need to change the item for another model), or there are more delays and obstacles.

There is also a greater chance that, during this time of the Moon, you will buy things that you do not need or that do not have anything to do with what you really wanted.

What to avoid during the Moon Off Course 2023?

Due to the unpredictability factor, important beginnings are usually avoided on this Moon, such as a first date with someone or a first appointment with a doctor.

Astrologers recommend that surgeries not be scheduled about four hours before the Moon is out of course, as there is a possibility, if there are delays and part of the surgery takes place in this condition, that there may be more delays or the appearance of some obstacle or unforeseen event. It doesn’t have to be anything serious, but who wants that during an operation?

To discover other aspects to avoid or encourage, follow your Personal Horoscope (free here).

Is Off Course Moon good in what situations?

We already know, then, that this Moon symbolizes unpredictable developments, being more advantageous to take care of important matters when it is underway again.

Is there any good use that could be made of this period? Yes, the Moon off course is great for relaxing, letting go and worrying less about schedule and planning!

It is not the best moment, therefore, for you to pressure someone to know about some result or work, since it is as if everyone is a little more “out of breath”.

The Off Course Moon is conducive to meditating, reflecting, resting and acting with greater flexibility, as it is often the case that combined programs can change under this influence or take longer than expected. (check out a complete guide on how to meditate here).

The LFC has the face of the weekend, and when it happens for many hours during this period, it is little noticed. It is more complicated, therefore, for purposes. It is common for it to generate deviations, as something that starts with an intention and becomes something else, or simply gets lost in some way.

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The “incommunicability” of the Moon, which will no longer make aspects while it is in a sign, is what would generate this unpredictability that characterizes it.

Off Course Moon Table 2023

The table considers the time zone of Brasilia. For other locations, it is necessary to add or subtract hours according to the difference to the time zone in Brazil. Check out the 2023 Off Course Moon dates below:


02/01: from 19:16 to 23:44 04/01: from 21:07 to 05/01 at 11:14 01/07: from 19:22 to 23:40 09/01: from 22:52 to 10/01 at 12:15 01/12: from 20:06 to 23:56 01/15: from 5:39 am to 9:08 am 01/17: from 11:26 am to 2:32 pm 01/19: from 7:08 am to 4:11 pm 01/21: from 12:52 pm to 3:28 pm 01/23: from 7:19 am to 2:35 pm 01/25: from 11:13 pm to 15:47 pm 01: from 6:01 pm to 8:42 pm 01/30: from 2:51 am to 5:34 am


02/01: from 8:58 am to 5:11 pm 02/04: from 3:18 am to 5:48 am 02/06: from 11:15 am to 6:14 pm 02/09: from 3:40 am to 5:46 am 02/11: from 1:41 pm to 3:34 pm 02/13: from 8:51 pm to 12:31 pm : from 10:05 pm to 02/16 at 01:59 am 02/18: from 01:17 am to 02:34 am 02/19: from 11 pm to 02/20 to 01:55 am 02/22: from 01:05 am to 02:13 am 02/24: from 04:21 am to 05:29 am 26 /02: from 11:42 am to 12:47 pm 02/28: from 10:07 pm to 11:40 pm


03/03: from 11:22 am to 12:15 pm 06/03: from 00:18 am to 00:38 am 03/08: from 11:07 am to 11:43 am 03/10: from 8:36 pm to 9:05 pm 03/13: from 3:58 am to 4:20 am 03/15: from 5:50 am to 5:05 pm 03: from 11:13 am to 11:24 am 03/19: from 07:33 am to 12:11 pm 03/21: from 12:57 pm to 1:01 pm 03/23: from 2:12 pm to 3:41 pm 03/25: from 1:19 pm to 9:41 pm 03/27: from 10:39 pm to 03/28 at 7:22 a.m. 03/30: from 10:45 a.m. to 7:31 p.m.


02/04: from 03:02 to 07:57 04/04: from 10:49 to 18:51 06/04: from 09:42 to 07/04 at 03:29 09/04: from 06:09 to 09:56 04/11: from 07:47 to 14:33 04/13: from 11:14 am to 5:42 pm 04/15: from 12:15 pm to 7:56 pm 04/17: from 3:56 pm to 10:09 pm 04/20: from 1:12 am to 01:29 am 04/22: from 00:41 am to 7:10 am 04/24: 9:14 am to 3:58 pm to 4/26: from 4/26: on 04/27 at 03:29 am 04/29: from 07:52 am to 03:59 pm


01/05: from 20:52 to 02/05 at 03:08 04/05: from 06:16 to 11:32 06/05: from 11:37 to 17:03 08/05: from 17:17 to 20:32 05/10: from 20:52 to 23:05 05/13: from 00:14 to 01:38 05/14: from 23:56 to 05/15 at 04:55 05/17: from 06:09 to 09:27 05/19: from 14:50 to 15:47 05/21: from 19:11 to 05/22 at 00:28 24/ 05: from 06:11 am to 11:34 am 05/26: from 03:38 am to 05/27 at 00:05 am 05/29: from 06:45 am to 11:50 am 05/31: from 11:53 am to 8:45 pm

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06/02: from 9:50 pm to 06/03 at 02:03 am 06/05: from 00:23 am to 4:30 am 06/07: from 01:39 am to 05:41 am 06/09: from 01:23 am to 07:14 am 06/11: from 10:20 am to 10:21 am 06/13: from 15:26 to 15:31 06/15: from 22:36 to 22:45 06/18: from 03:23 to 07:57 06/20: from 18:43 to 19:04 06/22: from 14:00 to 06/23 at 07:05 06/25: from 19:24 to 19:57 6/28: from 5:18 am to 5:55 am 6/30: from 11:20 am to 11:59 am


7/2: from 10:33 am to 2:20 pm 7/4: from 1:45 pm to 2:29 pm 7/6: from 10:41 am to 2:32 pm 7/8: from 3:21 pm to 4:19 pm 7/10: from 8:11 pm to 8:55 pm 7/13: from 3:10 am to 3:25 pm 7: from 9:35 am to 2:13 pm 7/18: from 12:05 am to 1:39 am 7/20: from 11:08 am to 2:12 pm 7/23: from 1:05 am to 2:54 am 7/25: from 12:05 pm to 1:55 pm 7/27: from 7:35 pm to 9:23 pm 7/29: from 8:51 pm to 07/30 at 00:44 am 07/31: from 11:12 pm to 08/01 at 00:57 am


02/08: from 18:15 to 03/08 at 00:05 04/08: from 22:20 to 05/08 at 00:19 07/08: from 01:12 to 03:24 09/08: from 07:38 to 10:05 08/11: from 14:27 to 19:52 08/14: from 04:46 to 07:36 08/16: from 06:38 to 20:14 08/19: from 05:50 to 08:53 08/21: from 17:30 to 20:22 08/24: from 02:10 to 05:07 08/26: from 08:55 to 08:55 /08: from 08:48 am to 11:31 am 08/30: from 00:04 am to 10:56 am


9/1: from 7:35 am to 10:24 am 9/3: from 8:56 am to 11:59 am 9/5: from 1:45 pm to 5:06 pm 9/7: from 7:21 pm to 9/8 at 1:59 am 9/10: from 9:47 am to 1:36 pm 9/12: from 12:05 pm to 9/13 at 2:18 am 9/15: from 10:49 am to 2:44 pm 9/17: from 10:06 pm to 9/18 at 1:58 am 9/20: from 7:21 am to 11:05 am 9/22: from 4:31 pm to 5:20 pm 9/24: from 5:05 pm until 8:29 pm 9/26: from 9:40 am to 9:19 pm 9/28: from 5:57 pm to 9:17 pm 9/30: from 6:49 pm to 10:18 pm


10/02: from 10:19 pm to 10/03 at 2:03 am 10/05: from 3:34 am to 9:31 am 10/07: from 4:11 pm to 8:24 pm 10/10: from 6:36 am to 9:01 am 10/12: from 5:10 pm to 9:22 pm 10/15: from 4:01 am to 8:04 am 10/17: from 12:43 pm to 4:36 pm 10/19: from 4:02 pm to 10:54 pm 10/22: from 3:00 am to 3:06 am 10/23: from 4:04 pm to 10/24 at 5:32 am 10/26: from 3:39 am to 7:01 am 2 10: from 5:19 am to 8:44 am 10/30: from 8:35 am to 12:07 am


11/01: from 9:36 am to 6:30 pm 11/04: from 12:27 am to 4:20 am 11/06: from 4:25 am to 4:39 pm 11/09: from 1:55 am to 5:07 am 11/11: from 12:05 pm to 3:39 pm 11/13: from 8:03 pm to 11:22 pm 11: from 7:56 pm to 11/16 at 4:41 am 11/18: from 5:27 am to 8:27 am 11/20: from 7:49 am to 11:29 am 11/22: from 12:09 pm to 2:19 pm 11/24: from 2:40 pm to 5:28 pm 11/26: from 6:51 pm until 9:39 pm 11/28: from 10:03 pm to 11/29 at 3:53 am

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12/01: from 10:06 am to 1:00 pm 12/03: from 11:11 pm to 12/04 at 00:50 am 12/06: from 10:50 am to 1:34 pm 12/08: from 10:05 pm to 12/09 at 00:34 am 12/11: from 5:57 am until 8:10 am 12/13: from 3:48 am to 12:31 pm 12/15: from 1:03 pm to 2:55 pm 12/17: from 9:03 am to 4:58 pm 12/19: from 6:03 pm to 7:46 pm 12/21: from 11:47 pm to 11:50 pm 12/24: from 5:14 am 12/26: from 4:55 am to 12:15 pm 12/28: from 7:57 pm to 9:23 pm 12/31: from 2:18 am to 8:53 am

Moon off course at major events and countries

On the other hand, the Moon out of course has a curious facet in world events: precisely because it is unpredictable. In this sense, when something important happens during this period, the impact can be quite large, with some difficulty in assessing the consequences that it will generate.

For example, we can cite two famous events: the first is the fall of the Berlin Wall. Did anyone at the time have any idea how the integration between the two Germanys would occur and all the impact that this event would also generate on the issue of communism and the then Soviet Union, which, after this event, was fragmented into several countries?

Just like the attack on the Twin Towers, on September 11, 2001, which left the world with its jaws dropped, something like “I can’t believe this is happening”.

Consequently, the event raised many uncertainties about how the United States would react and how the issue of terrorism would look in the world context, if the planet was taken over by serial events of that type. Despite this, the worst predictions did not come true, which, in this case, may have been a positive effect of the out-of-course Moon.

The United States is an example of a country with an out of course Moon, whose Moon is in Aquarius. In this way, the unpredictability factor is reinforced, due to the sign the Moon is in, which is also characterized by the possibility of abrupt actions that are out of the ordinary.

Therefore, the performance of this country is often unexpected. In addition, within it there are also collective situations that generate fright, such as rebellious young people or individuals (ruled by Aquarius) who commit crazy acts, such as shootings in schools.

Not to mention two famous attacks that took away a President of the Republic (John Kennedy) and a world idol (John Lennon).

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