The life drive encompasses all those impulses and behaviors that motivate our survival without giving up pleasure and adding to the feeling of well-being.
There are moments when we find unparalleled inspiration, as if we had been touched by a wand.. We are so motivated that the world is too small for us, wanting to go after our goals, with enthusiasm and courage. We are talking about moments that are genuinely defining of the drive of life.
This drive invites us to passion and vitality. In addition, it is a way to resolve tensions. However, as it might seem at first, it is not always something of an erotic or sexual nature.
Through this article, we show you what really defines this drive; one of the essential concepts of psychoanalytic theory. In addition, we show you how it manifests itself, the origin, its relationship with mythology and the associated concepts.
Life drive, what is it?
To begin to understand the life drive it is necessary to approach the concept of drive. The concept is born from Freud’s theory of personality, which suggests that we act to resolve the tensions we have.
According to this current, the drive is the origin of all mental activity.. It has:
Fountain. This is the organ where the drive is born.Force. What pushes action.Goal. It consists of the satisfaction of excitement.Object. That which satisfies.
As we have already pointed out, the drive is not necessarily a sexual matter, although from their names one might think so. It goes further, although it is linked to the search for pleasure and satisfaction. However, The life drive is that impulse that generates both activation and excitement on the organic level. Its objective is to preserve our survival.
Besides, It is a dynamic force that goes in search of pleasure, leaving aside what does not generate it. This works when we activate mechanisms to reduce our tensions.
Why is it called eros?
Also It is called this way because psychoanalysis has always been close to mythology, in fact it is a subject that Sigmund Freud was passionate about. So, the use of metaphors or analogies that refer to certain stories or features of mythology to explain the theory has been common; a great idea to make it more understandable.
So, The life drive is associated with the God of mythology whose name is Eros. This is the one responsible for sexual attraction, love and fertility.
How does it manifest?
Eros is present in each of us. He intervenes in the relationship we have with ourselves, with others and with nature. So manifests itself in the way we interact, motivating actions that lead us towards survival.
In addition to the basic physiological activities, among which is sex, The drive for life is present in dreams, in creativity, in eroticism and in love..
Besides, It occurs by avoiding pain or what is not pleasant for us. Although Freud always emphasized that the barriers between pleasure and displeasure are quite diffuse.
Concepts associated with the drive for life
Within psychoanalysis, the limits between some concepts are minimal: this has to do with what it understands the psychic apparatus as a dynamic element. The drive for life is no exception. Let’s see, within the framework of economic theory, what concepts it is associated with:
Pleasure principle. The one who seeks satisfaction.Reality principle. The one who is in charge of adapting to circumstances.Death drive. It would encompass those impulses associated with dissolution. Also, the tendency to destroy life and aggressiveness.Nirvana Principle. It would have to do with the tendency to reduce the level of arousal to zero.
The concept of life drive is part of the most important concepts of the theory of psychoanalysis, making sense when understood within the psychoanalytic conception of the psychic apparatus. Furthermore, and although it may seem paradoxical, it is closely related to the death impulse; in fact, there is not a moment when both are not present.
In short, the drive for life is that drive that invites us and motivates us to survive. That dynamic impulse of self-preservation that we have and that is at the bottom of many of the behaviors we carry out.
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Freud, S. (1976/1920). Beyond the Pleasure Principle. Complete works. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.