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How to manifest to make someone love you back in 10 simple steps

Have you ever wondered why you can’t seem to attract love and trust into your life?

I have something to tell you: it could be that you are doing everything wrong when manifesting!

Fortunately, I have created this 10-step guide so you can manifest someone loving you back very easily. What’s more, we will not limit ourselves to someone loving you again, but to manifest the true love of someone who is the ideal for you.

Read on to discover the secrets of the manifestation. Some things will seem elementary to you, but the key is to be clear in all instances, even in the simplest details.

10 simple steps to manifest that someone loves you back

Step 1: Decide who you want to manifest

Well, the first step is to decide who you want to manifest. That is probably the most important step of all, as it lays the foundation for everything that comes after.

Choose a person who you think would be good for you.

It can be anyone, and even someone you don’t know yet.

Nor does it have to be your soul mate.

You see, this could be your date for the party next Saturday, someone you know, or even a guy you saw passing by on the street and liked.

Choosing someone is important because it will help you focus on a specific person and not get distracted by endless options.

Of course, given the title of this article, you probably already have a specific person in mind that you want to love you back.

In that case, the first step was already easy, right?

Step 2: Be very clear about your intentions

To show that someone loves you, you have to be clear about what you want.

Before we can move forward, you need clarity and focus on what exactly you want from that partner.

When it comes to manifesting someone with whom we are deeply and passionately in love, there are a few things that need to be very clear from the start:

How will this person make you feel? What does he represent to you? What does that person make you want to become? Does he inspire you? Does it make you want to be your best version? Who am I when I’m with him? He makes me happy?

There is no correct answer here. It all depends on what YOU want in a relationship. That is why it is so important that you be honest with yourself.

Being clear on everything will help the universe understand exactly what your desires are.

The clearer your intentions, the better the results!

The best part is that this is where you can really have fun.

For example, you can search or think about as many details as you want about that person. In fact, the more detailed you describe it, the better!

What color are your eyes? What color hair does he have? What are her favorite hobbies? How is your relationship with your family? What music do you listen to? What movies do you like? What is her favorite book?

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Bring out your most creative side with this process and really let yourself get lost in the imagination

In fact, I encourage you to write a detailed description of how you want this person to look, act, and be like.

The more details you define here, the better it will be to manifest your ideal partner.

To do this, a manifestation journal might be a good idea.

Believe it or not, writing gives more strength to what we manifest.

And I recommend you write 3 different things.

First, a list of qualities that this person will have. Write all the details about him.

Second, a list of emotions that he will make you feel when he comes back to you or when you meet him.

And lastly, write a little note in the journal as if you just met this perfect person in real life.

Write it in the present tense, for example:

I can’t believe I met this guy. He’s perfect, his favorite song is… He makes me feel so loved and appreciated. Every day that I’m with him, he helps me to be a better version of myself….”

You can write this for as long as you want, but try to be really present with him.

Imagine it as if you were living in that moment. Think of that moment as if it were real.

This is a fun way to make your wishes and intentions come true.

And you can read this every day for more power.

It doesn’t have to be for long, just a few minutes will suffice.

Step 3: Eradicate negative thoughts and your limiting beliefs

The Universe is a wonderful place, and it only gives you what you ask for. But if you are not clear, it is likely that what you want will not come.

If you constantly tell yourself that your relationships never work out and that person will never love you again, then the universe will continue to give you these things. He only listens to what you say.

You must start by removing those negative thoughts and limiting beliefs with a positive outlook. The first step is learning to identify them.

So the next time you find yourself saying something negative to yourself, sigh, become aware, and notice what you are saying to yourself. From there you can start to change it.

What happens is that if you keep expecting the same result, your manifestation efforts will not be effective.

And this doesn’t mean you should suddenly indulge in toxic positivity and ignore anything negative in your life. That’s not good either.

When something bad happens, it’s important that you feel what you need to feel. It’s no use burying emotions wanting them to disappear.

Then you can get up and make those changes in your life that will help you move on.

What is important for you to know is that if you keep focusing on the negative feelings, it will make it more difficult for you to manifest something good in your life.

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It is important to be able to focus on the positive aspects of life. You can do this by looking for the positive in your life and acknowledging it. Starting the day by thanking 3 things is a great way to change your mental connections.

When you start doing this, you will see how much more there is to life than you thought.

A gratitude practice can do wonders.

You see, gratitude is one of the highest vibration emotions.

When you feel gratitude, you are in a high vibrational state, which means it will be easier for you to manifest your desires in your life.

But it doesn’t end there. You also need to let go of your negative thoughts and limiting beliefs about love.

The reason you haven’t been manifesting love is that something is holding you back.

Most likely it is a belief that you have but are not aware of.

These are things you believe about yourself that are not true in reality. They are beliefs that are deeply rooted within you by past or childhood wounds, etc.

Maybe some of this sounds familiar:

Love is not for me I’m not special to be loved Love is complicated Men don’t want to commit No one would want to love me Loving me is hard There’s no one out there right for me

These are just a few examples of limiting beliefs. I’m sure you can find many more than you have thought.

As you can see, they are not true.

You have to start believing that you are worthy of love and that love is something you deserve.

When you can do that, then the universe will start giving you what you want.

And what is another great tool to accomplish this?

The best way to transform yourself is with positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are phrases that you repeat to yourself on a daily basis. You will tell yourself how amazing and lovable you are.

This helps you re-program your mind.

What happens is that you think that love is difficult because of something that happened to you in the past. People use our past to project our future, because it is the only thing we know at a conscious level.

Maybe you had an experience where someone broke your heart or maybe someone made fun of you for being in love with them.

It’s possible that more times than you’d like, a guy has just disappeared and stopped talking to you overnight.

Whatever it is, these experiences are now burned into your mind and are preventing you from manifesting in your life what you truly want and deserve.

By using positive affirmations, you can begin to change all this and begin to attract what is for you.

Some examples of positive affirmations are:

i am lovable i am loved there is someone special out there for me love is coming into my life quickly i am easy to love

Repeat them to yourself over and over again.

Step 4: Visualize it

A big part of manifesting something is visualizing it.

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An easy way to do this is to write down what you want and some good feelings about having it.

It is also useful to make a “dream map” with images, photos, drawings, phrases, words or quotes that speak of your desires.

You can use this as a reminder of what you are wanting to manifest and how it will change your life.

Visualization is one of the fastest and most effective ways to attract what you want.

Think about all aspects of your manifestation and imagine them in as much detail as possible.

Get a clear picture of the person you are trying to manifest.

See yourself in the future with that person. Imagine that he is already there with you.

What would a normal day be like for you? What things do they do together?
Where do they travel?
What are you talking about?

Be creative and have fun with this!

An equally important part is how often you visualize. It is especially powerful when you do it before bed or right after waking up.

Those are the times when your mind is most susceptible to change.

Step 5: Always be present with what you want

The key here is to always be present with what you want.

This means, think about the person you are trying to manifest to love you as often as possible.

The next time you are walking down the street, see if you can imagine this person and feel them walking towards you.

Do the same when you’re in a coffee shop and have some time.

The more often you present yourself and imagine this person, the faster you will attract them into your life.

The key word is “present”. Don’t just think about him halfway, make an effort to let yourself be carried away by the moment and really feel that they are with you.

This is a big part of manifesting what you want and becoming the person you want to be.

Step 6: Allow yourself to feel the reality of what you want

One of the most important things to remember is to allow yourself to feel the reality of what you are manifesting.

You don’t need to think about how far it is or whether you deserve it or not.

You just need to focus on the feeling that it actually exists in your reality and accept that it is inevitable if you choose.

When you fully accept that this is already a reality, the manifestation will quickly come true.

So think, when you meet this person and he loves you, how will you feel?

Excited Happy In Love Over the Moon Confident

Allow yourself to feel all those emotions.

What you should know is that manifestation is based on emotions much more than anything else.

If your feelings are not involved in your manifestation, it will not work.

You need to be on the same energetic wavelength as when your manifestation comes into being.

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