If you’re married or in a serious relationship with someone, being faithful isn’t always an easy task – but if you commit to being a faithful person, you can do it!
1- Agree to trust each other.
2- Accept the fact that you are no longer single.
No, you can no longer come and go as you please, no matter how irritating it may be. You have a responsibility to your loved one now, and the sooner you accept that, the less fights and arguments you will have.
Acting like you’re free and owes no one to anyone will practically guarantee that you’ll be single again – soon. Instead, keep in mind your love for him/her, the love your partner has for you, and the commitment and vows you have made.
3- Understand that your partner is not trying to put you on a leash.
It’s simply a matter of honor your commitment, and letting your partner know when he or she should start worrying. If you didn’t want to worry or commit to someone else, you shouldn’t have gotten into a relationship.
4- Wear your alliance at all times.
Avoid taking off your ring in most situations, even if your friends tell you to. Some exceptions are when you practice some sport, wash dishes or there is a situation that could damage you or cause you an injury at work. Don’t forget to put it back right after this activity is finished!
Always wearing your ring sends a clear signal to everyone about your union. It reminds you that you’re “committed,” and most people won’t try to violate that. If someone misses the sign of your alliance, show them up close and make sure they know that it means that you really are committed, and that you are not interested in flirting with them. no way.
5- Feed your intimacy with your partner.
If any of you are having issues with intimacy, talk about it – and the sooner the better. Being intimate through loving gestures, hugs, kisses, and intercourse is a vital part of keeping the two of you connected.
Even sweet words whispered daily to each other, and compliments about the things you love about each other on a regular basis are ways to keep the fire burning and the original memories of why you truly fell in love always alive.
6- Don’t cause problems where none exist.
Making things painful just to see how your partner will react is a bad ideia. The problem is that testing your partner’s reaction to flirting or paying too much attention to other people creates a climate of doubt about your honesty, and introduces anxiety and turmoil. Don’t pick fights just to see what she/he will say or do.