He Human papilloma virus (HPV) is one of the sexually transmitted diseases most common that exist and is normally transmitted through contact during vaginal or anal sex. There are many types of this virus and although in many cases it is asymptomatic, in others it can manifest itself through appearance of warts in different parts of the body, the most common being the genitals, hands and feet; and in other cases of greater scope and severity lead to cervical or anal cancer. To know much more about this infection, in the following OneHowTo article we explain the possible HPV treatments and the best forms of prevention.
First of all, it is worth noting that the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) cannot be destroyed and that the treatment of this disease will depend on the type of lesions it has caused in the patient, as well as the number of these and where they are located. located. HPV can manifest itself in two ways: through the appearance of warts or condylomas or, on the other hand, through dysplasias or cancerous lesions which are those that constitute high-risk HPV cases.
In any case, it will be necessary to Medical diagnostic precise nature of the disease so that it is the doctor who decides the treatment that each patient should follow.
As with any other sexually transmitted disease, it is best to prevention and act responsibly in all your sexual encounters. Above all, you must protect yourself by condom use when having sexual relations (both vaginal and anal) and avoiding having sex with strangers. It is also essential that if you are in a relationship, you both make sure that you are completely healthy and that neither of you has any type of anomaly of this nature.
On the other hand, it is also important that you reduce the risk of plantar warts on your feet by following an adequate personal hygiene routine and wearing slippers in common areas such as locker rooms or public pools and showers.
Apart from this, you should know that there are two vaccines that they act effectively against the most common types of HPV and that other formulas are being analyzed to combat high-risk types. The Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines are available and are approved for use in women between 9 and 26 years old, although they are more effective if administered in adolescence. Subsequently, the application of the Gardasil vaccine has also been recommended for men between 11 and 21 years of age, extending up to 26 years in the case of homosexuals and men who have a weakened immune system.
Another of the best measures to prevent the spread of HPV is to undergo the appropriate medical check-ups and check-ups. In the case of women, they should not forget the importance of having the so-called vaginal cytology or Pap test, and in the case of men, visit the urologist or specialist at least once a year and do it urgently if they detect any type of alteration in your private parts.
As we have pointed out, HPV has no cure but when it appears it is possible to treat the injuries it causes in different ways. For treat warts causes, it is possible to resort to treatments such as the topical application of creams or lotions that contain substances that act by activating those cells of the immune system that attack and destroy the virus. You should always consult with your doctor if this option is right for you and follow his or her instructions at all times. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, surgical interventions or the use of the laser technique are other possible ways to get rid of warts, but all of them must be recommended by a specialist in advance.
Although it is not common, there are types of high risk HPV which can persist for many years in the body and end up leading to cervical or anal cancer. In these circumstances, treatment can include everything from surgical interventions to chemotherapy or radiotherapy sessions, among others.
Although they are not 100% effective, you can use some natural remedies that can help strengthen your immune system and promote the expulsion of HPV. Discover them all in the article Natural remedies for Human Papillomavirus.
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