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How to exercise the penis – 6 steps

Enhance sexual abilities and improve performance It is one of the most widespread desires of men on a sexual level, and although the market is full of pills and medical treatments to achieve it, there are still old school tools that work very well, as is the case of Kegel method. Do you want to know more? At unComo.como we give you the tips you need so you know how to exercise the penis

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Steps to follow:

The pubbo coccygeus muscle, known simply as PC muscleis the one we use to contract the flow of urine, and in turn the same one that presents involuntary spasms during orgasm, therefore exercising it will help you have stronger erections. strong and durable as well as increasing sexual pleasure


Identify the muscleWhen you go to the bathroom, stop urinating without squeezing your buttocks. nor force no other part of the body, concentrates the tension only on your bladder, this is the movement that must be achieved


You can practice the exercise while urinating or at any other time of the day, just contract your bladder during three seconds and release, repeat this exercise 10 timesand try to make three series (30 exercises) at different times of the day


After a couple of weeks increases the time of the contraction to four or five seconds, and also try to increase the number of times and the number of the series


To see results you must exercise dailymost men begin to notice improvements between the fourth and sixth week, but it can take up to three months until you start to notice notice the effects


The PC muscle is like any another muscle of the body, it takes time to become stronger and toned, but once you achieve it you will be able to enjoy longer lasting erections, more intense orgasms and greater pleasure for you and your partner

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