The difference between men and women in matters of the heart is great. While we are practical, she is sentimental, calculating and lives more on illusions.
It’s good that you want to be a better boyfriend because it means that the girl and the relationship matter to you and that you are afraid of ruining her or losing her by not knowing how to interpret and satisfy her needs.
Love is a confusing feeling. Sometimes you think you know a couple so much that it is easy to sense that they are in love, but just like that, romance can also be lost with painful consequences for the couple.
Guys, being understanding and loving is not enough anymore. Women always want more. More love, more attention, more care, more interest, more and better sex, although in the latter there are differences between them and us.
For them, sex is as pleasurable as it is for men, but it is not everything. That’s why girls are more complex. They give a lot of importance to emotionality and feelings.
The man capable of satisfying these basic needs of women in love will be a lucky man because he will have the power of the world in his hands. To do this, let’s review together the 10 steps to be the boyfriend that all girls want.
Ready? Let’s do it!
See also our guide on how to have a girlfriend with these 3 tips
1. Treat her gently
How opening the door, pulling out the chair and other courtesies to a woman score points. Treating her with kindness will be an act of chivalry, education and distinction that she will immediately notice, because every woman loves being cared for.
Learning to take an interest in their affairs also counts as kindness. Show them that their problems interest you and that you can contribute to solving them. This step is essential not only to flirt, but also to maintain the relationship for a long time.
Opening a bottle, occasionally carrying her heavy work bag, surprising her with a sandwich when she least expects it, asking her about the results of that meeting she told you about a week ago and telling her how beautiful she is, add up to other kindnesses that you should put into practice. today.
2. Dose of respect
To demand respect, you must first respect and this value is fundamental in life as a couple. Honor your girlfriend’s time, her tastes, integrity and opinions, the latter so often violated by men. He even respects her bad temper and tantrums because, although they are irritating, they are manifestations of frustration or anger.
The most faithful and loving woman becomes disenchanted when her boyfriend is disrespectful. If you don’t respect it, someone else will do it for you.
3. Be detailed
One of the basic principles for conquering a woman.
Special dates are important to them, especially if you are part of them. Forgetting them will be like a dagger in your heart that even if you manage to remove it, the wound will remain.
Guys, we have to be detail-oriented, something that is closely linked to kindness. If it’s her birthday, let’s buy a cake, if it’s the anniversary, let’s take her to dinner or better yet, cook for her.
Being detail-oriented will make them feel that we really care and that their things, problems, successes and failures, we feel like our own.
Do you want to end the relationship? Forget his birthday, don’t attend his graduation or promotion, don’t prepare anything for the anniversary.
I want to see you shine, so think right now how to be thoughtful with your girlfriend and then tell us.
4. Affectionate as a bear
Being affectionate will not be difficult if you really like your girlfriend. Treat her like a queen, pamper her, cuddle her and pamper her. Take her to the movies, buy her a bouquet of flowers, take a bath with her, and bring food to her bed.
A well-cared for woman will please her man in everything, which will benefit the relationship. Take her by the hand, kiss her in public, motivate her in her goals, treat her with great tenderness, speak to her sweetly, because she deserves and likes you to treat her that way.
5. Nothing is certain in a relationship
Assuming that your girl is in the palm of your hand is a common mistake that leads to neglect of the relationship. She will leave you sooner rather than later if she doesn’t get that feedback.
Do you really think that because you made her lose her mind on that night of passion she is locally in love with you? Dear, you are wrong. If you believe that, you still need to know women. The girl will gradually lose that liking she has for you if you don’t invest time and attention in her.
6. Support her
Will supporting your girl make you a better boyfriend? Yes of course. If not, what good is a man for a woman if not to accompany her through good and bad times?
Women realize when a boyfriend supports them because this encouragement does not manifest itself only in money. Words of motivation or advice are as valid or more valid for them than cash or the bank account.
You should not expect her to ask you for support, you have to learn to interpret her emotions, to intuit what is going on in her head, worries or anxieties, and offer her help. Make her feel that you are there for her, that she can trust you.
A worthwhile man cares about his girlfriend’s well-being, is proud of her, calms her down, and becomes her pillar of support.
7. Apologize
Don’t confuse humility with cowardice. Apologizing when making a mistake is wise and gentlemanly, a quality that your girlfriend will know and love, even though she is upset about what you did.
When you apologize, your girlfriend will feel secure in having a man with character and maturity at her side, capable of recognizing his mistakes, something rarely seen.
If you hurt him, apologize. The proud man will end up alone and forgotten by his friends and ex-girlfriends. You will push your partner away with a bad temper, by being rude and cruel in your responses and actions, with only one result: you will lose them.
8. Listen to her
How important it is for them to be heard. Sometimes we underestimate this simple condition, which is nothing more than carefully attending to and responding to your ideas, opinions or comments. Something like this will avoid complaints and reproaches.
One of the most frequent complaints among women is precisely the lack of effective communication between them. Don’t make this a problem now that I’m warning you, listening to her a little every day and giving her a lot of pampering and attention will keep her happy.
If you understand and respond to what your girlfriend tells you, you will avoid unnecessary annoyances such as complaints about your lack of attention.
Read our guide on how to talk to a woman you like
9. No chains
The experiment of controlling girlfriends, of not letting them go out and of prohibitions, failed long ago. Those who still put it into practice are failures.
Show her that you want her to be safe but without going overboard. You don’t want to dominate her, prohibit things from her, much less raise her again. Women are a world power in all professions, trades and tasks. There are presidents of countries, astronauts, government secretaries, great athletes and artists.
Arguments will soon occur with a dominant boyfriend. You must give her confidence and with this you will be telling her that you trust her, her judgment and her abilities. This will fill him up a lot and he will love you more.
If you feel like you need to control, manipulate or modify your girlfriend’s tastes, don’t waste your time and break up with her. Release her from you.
10. Push it to emerge
A good boyfriend is one who makes his girlfriend a better person. That motivates her to excel in her studies or work, that drives her in obligations as simple as not breaking her diet, for example, or finishing that English course that takes so much out of her body.
No matter how independent and intelligent a woman may seem, situations will arise in which she will feel insecure and have little strength to achieve goals. A good boyfriend plays an important role in those moments.
To be a good couple you don’t have to save the world, just understand it, care for it, support it and love it. A good boyfriend is cooperative, kind, tender and has the peculiarity of turning a gray day into a rainbow.
These were the top 10 steps to be a better partner for your girl, but there are many more. If you know others, share them with me and other readers so that everyone knows what to do to be the ideal boyfriend.
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