During penetration, friction is naturally generated, but on some occasions physics causes small air inlets in the vagina which means that, in the middle of sexual intercourse and when we least expect it, our vagina produces a noise very similar to that of gas. This situation results very embarrassing For us, and although it is not a major evil, especially when it is a permanent partner, some tips can help you prevent it from happening. At oneHowTo.com we explain how to avoid vaginal noises during sex.
Although they sound like such, vaginal noises They are not gasesoccur when, due to a certain sexual position, air manages to penetrate the vagina and due to friction, the uncomfortable noise is generated, so the trick to avoid it is precisely in the position we choose.
He rhythm and intensity with whom sex is practiced also influences. The faster the penetration rate, the louder the noise produced will be. As you can see, this is a set of circumstances that we can perfectly control and prevent.
Physical appearance also influences. Those women with sagging vaginal muscles They have a greater tendency to produce vaginal noises during sex, so they should avoid all positions that encourage air entry, but what are they? Well, those in which the penis can come out easily allowing air to enter or in which the vaginal opening is too open.
postures like the puppy or the surprise They tend to frequently produce vaginal noises if air enters, so if you have a tendency for this to happen and it embarrasses you, then you should try to avoid them.
Controlling the pace and intensity of penetration is also important to prevent air from entering the vagina and thus annoying noises. The penis should not come completely out of the vagina during penetration, so there will be no pumping effect and air will not enter. Likewise, they should avoid, as far as possible, penetrating with too much force or it will be difficult to control vaginal noises.
Furthermore, it is advisable to exercise strengthen vaginal muscles, like those of the Kegel method. Another good and comfortable alternative is the use of Chinese balls.
Although it may be embarrassing, vaginal noises during sex are not a major problem, and should not be paid too much attention to them. By following these tips you will be able to effectively avoid them.
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