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How are the friends of each sign



They don’t have a bad time: they talk about what they like, what they don’t like and don’t let anything pass by. They love ~ bullshit ~, but they are extremely generous and are always there. When you need someone to be honest with, your Aries friend is the best choice!



They are excellent friends, after all, people of the Taurus sign really like to be close to the ones they love. Sometimes very close, true, but they never let you down. As they like to take care of others, they always have an opinion to give. The only “little problem” is that there can be jealousy from new friends – which goes away when you introduce them!



She’s the one you go to when you need advice, an opinion, or just to chat about life until five in the morning. They are fun, extroverted and great company, despite the sudden change of mood (laughs).



If you are friends with a Cancer woman, you know that she is the mother of the group: always worried about everyone, wanting to know if you are okay, if you ate… Careful with words is essential when dealing with them, as they have a slight tendency to to be hurt by what they say. #upset



She likes to go out and call attention and will always invite you to the hottest shows. breaths🇧🇷 They can be a little self-centered and end up talking too much about their own lives, however, they are extremely loyal friends who do everything for friendship.

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As harsh as her criticisms may seem, Virgo’s friend only wants your best. And to tell you the truth, the intimacy between you is such that even knowing each other for a short time, it seems that you’ve been friends your whole life! In fact, she’s a great duo when you need to do that cleaning in your life.

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They are not afraid to show their feelings and love the company of their friends on any ride. They are kind and therefore the best friends to open their hearts and tell with great compassion! It’s okay that it takes her two hours to decide which restaurant you’re going to…

Scorpio women


No, they are not fake friends! It even takes a while to build trust in someone, but when created, that friendship will be forever. And Scorpios help you take control of your life.



The deal with your Sagittarius friend is to enjoy an adventure. As they have an ~itch~ itch to explore the world around, they are excellent travel companions. They are just sometimes sincere beyond the point and can seem slightly inflexible when making up their minds about something. The bright side of this is that you only need to exchange glances to understand each other!



You are better than that. You really are.

Do you know who encourages you to study, go to the gym, try that job of your dreams? It’s your Capricorn friend! Her sense of responsibility is a good compass to help you along the way, even if she is a little more straight forward.

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If Aquarius has a motto, it is “It’s quiet, it’s favorable”. They hate getting into fights with people and they have a great temper to get out – just leave aside the charge they don’t like.



Let’s eat this!

Between being the most loved and hated sign of the zodiac, one fact about Pisceans cannot go unnoticed: they are the most affectionate friends! Apart from those moments when they forget their scheduled appointments, everything is a lot of fun around them (even the crazy girl).

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