who enter the Google this Wednesday (27) will be surprised with a different proposal. To celebrate 19 years of “life”, the search engine put on the air the Google’s Birthday Surprise Wheel🇧🇷 It’s like a doodle celebratory, but very interactive and full of hidden curiosities.
Each time you spin the wheel, you get one of the 19 surprises that Google has released over the last 19 years. There’s a test to guess which animal you are, an interactive piano, tic-tac-toe, Pac-Man and even a wonderful snake game, like the one on old Nokia cell phones, remember?
How to play all games without spinning the wheel
If you’d like to explore the 19 games available on Google’s Birthday Wheel of Surprises, but you have to work and can’t spend all day waiting for luck to smile on you, we’ve got you covered. Since the games have already been released at some point in the last 19 years, there is a shortcut for each one. Come with us!
snake game
Pac Man
birthday pinata
Be the DJ for a day
play the theremin
Beethoven’s 5th Symphony
Scoville scale – which pepper is the hottest?
Halloween haunted house
play cricket
Take the Earth Day Quiz: What Animal Are You?
A breathing exercise to relax you
Play Solitaire – That Card Game
Listen to the sounds of different animals
Play a game of tic-tac-toe
Play the Valentine’s Day Pangolins Game
Play with sound, images and lights in Fischinger’s experiment
Explore the Galapagos Island
Deliver your mail on horseback