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Practical Resources

8 Personalities That Harm Relationships

Share: Not all people are lucky enough to find a good person to have a relationship with. Unfortunately, there are some types of personalities that some people have that end up creating obstacles to have a good relationship to two. Therefore, today the Blog team I fell in love brings you 8 types of personalities that some people have that ...

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Toxic Relationships: To heal, you need to walk away!

Share: It’s liberating when you heal from a abusive relationship. I came from a dysfunctional family, and since I was little I feel like a fish out of water and the feeling of not belonging follows my entire life story. I felt alone and unprotected, but I always kept silent in the face of everything I experienced. I had serious ...

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77 reasons not to commit suicide

Share: 1- Take a shower again 2- Hear an I love you 3- Being able to say it back 4- Steal a chocolate 5- Spend a day on the street away from home 6- Travel to meet a person 7- Take a hot shower in winter 8- See people smiling 9- Change someone’s life 10- Overcoming a disappointment 11- Watching ...

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6 Important Signs of Your Intuition That You Should Never Avoid

Share: Human beings have been given one of God’s most remarkable gifts: intuition. We all have this ‘sixth sense’ in the depths of our souls. We are all intuitive. The fact is that not all of us reach this higher state of consciousness to use intuition for our own benefit. However, if you feel like you’ve been experiencing some strange ...

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6 ways to be the BEST GIRLFRIEND he ever had!

Share: There’s a lot of misinformation out there about what it takes to be a great girlfriend. It’s not just about cooking your favorite food, having the best hug or the most crazily unforgettable kiss (I’m not saying these things don’t help, but they don’t get to the heart of the matter!). Understanding how men think and what they need ...

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