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Practical Resources

160 Short Inspirational Quotes To MOTIVATE Your Day!

Share: Small actions can make a big difference. The same can be said about the short inspirational quotes below. We’ve compiled several quotes from a wide variety of great minds, including authors, athletes, TV personalities, and CEOs of successful companies. Each of these sentences is full of innovation, creativity and knowledge. Who inspires you? Most people have to watch hours ...

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Love is not a feeling, it’s a choice

Share: So, I’m here today to bring you something that’s a little confusing: Love. What is it really? What does this mean for us? Why does it hurt so much sometimes? These are questions for which I don’t have perfect answers. But earlier this week, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about a new relationship she’s ...

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She’s the type to smile at life

Share: She is amazing. Why should she admit into her life people who can’t or don’t want to see that? She refuses to put up with anyone who criticizes rather than praises, who tries to make her change instead of trying to make her better, who sees flaws in every step she takes. Her time is much better spent next ...

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20 love phrases to surprise who you love the most

Share: A relationship needs to stay strong always! That’s why it’s so necessary to reinvent and get out of the monotony, especially when the relationship has been going on for some time. Some phrases become clichés too, and you end up not getting out of “I love you”. Yea! Saying this little phrase with immense meaning should be something constant, ...

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60+ FRIEND phrases to keep on the left side of your chest

Share: Best friends represent the strongest form of friendship. Your best friend is someone you may have known yesterday, but you feel like you’ve known them forever. And the best thing about best friends is that they understand you in a way that no one else can. They are a blessing from God! Can you imagine how boring life would ...

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9 Signs Your Relationship Is Stronger Than You Think

Share: From the outside, some people’s relationships are amazing! They always seem happy and their relationship seems easy to maintain. But I can say with absolute certainty that no relationship is perfect! The fact is, it takes intentional consistency to keep your relationship happy. The important question is, “Do you think your relationship is strong?” You may wonder what defines ...

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