Home » Dreams & Meanings » Moon phases: learn more about the 8 phases and their influences!

Moon phases: learn more about the 8 phases and their influences!

The moon is a star that has fascinated humanity since the beginning. By observing its phases, the ancients were able to establish relationships between the cycles of agriculture and the tides, in addition to perceiving the influence that this natural satellite of the Earth exerts on the beings that inhabit it.

By observing the lunar phases, it was also possible to start measuring time using lunar calendars and start planning life events based on the changes of the moon. As we will show in this article, each lunar phase is suitable for specific purposes. And that’s precisely why many times some plans just don’t work out.

Since the Moon influences our lives, we reveal all the secrets that involve its 8 phases (that’s right, 8 phases!), presenting its relationship with humor, beauty, love, money and which areas each one of them favors or not.

Thus, you will be able to plan your life so that you can live in more harmonious ways, understanding and relating your cycles, even discovering the dark side of the moon.

There are 8 phases of the moon: new moon, crescent, first quarter, half moon, full moon, half moon, last quarter and last month. Each of these phases occurs at specific times of the lunar cycle and, as we will show, directly influence our lives. Understand how they occur and how the lunar calendar works below.

The phases of the moon occur according to its position relative to the Sun and Earth. As the Moon moves around the Earth, half of it always reflects sunlight, while the other half is always dark.

The part that is always illuminated by the Sun can be observed from the Earth and, depending on the degree of observed illumination, we perceive different phases.

For example, when the Moon is between the Sun and Earth, the side of the Moon that is being illuminated by the Sun cannot be seen from Earth. In this period, the Moon is dark and we call this phase New Moon. When the moon goes through all the phases, we have a lunar cycle.

When performing its movement around the Earth’s orbit, we perceive a change in the portion of the moon illuminated by the Sun and this whole process is called the lunar cycle. The Moon takes approximately 27.3 days to circle the Earth, but the lunar phase cycle (from New Moon to New Moon) takes about 29.5 days.

This lunar cycle is divided into four main stages, the best known phases of the moon: new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter. The longest period between a Full Moon and a New Moon lasts about 15 days and 14.5 hours, while the shortest period between these phases is 13 days and 22.5 hours.

From observations of the lunar cycle and its phases, ancient civilizations developed a system of counting time known as the lunar calendar. As its name suggests, a lunar calendar is based on the monthly cycles of the moon, taking into account its phases.

Ancient civilizations such as the Celts, the Chinese and even the Yoruba peoples used this measurement system, which is different from the system that Western civilization uses, since its Gregorian calendar is based on the movements of the Sun.

Since lunar cycles take about 29.5 days to complete, lunar calendars tend to have months that fluctuate between 29 and 30 days, and are often shorter than solar calendars.

The New Moon is the Moon of beginnings and all that is new. At this stage, the Moon is invisible in the sky, as its illuminated part is on the opposite side of the Earth. It is an ideal period to establish new parameters, come up with new ideas and start new endeavors.

The New Moon favors initiation. It’s the ideal time to make lists with plans and goals to be achieved, in addition to focusing on an important intention. You can light a candle asking this face of the Moon for help so you can start something new.

It’s time to prepare the ground so you can then plant the seeds of what you want to manifest. You can buy clothes, enroll in a course and meet new people. It is a period that favors the new, but it will require that it be nurtured so that it can manifest itself.

The New Moon disfavors everything that is connected to the past. This is not the time to harbor regrets or to feel nostalgic, because just as a new cycle of the Moon has begun, it is time for you to prepare for this new phase of your life.

Since the New Moon promotes that which is new, avoid finishing something you enjoy at this stage or wasting your energy on people who are not worth it. And since the New Moon will draw new people and opportunities to you, be open to them. Avoiding what is new only invites problems.

The New Moon is a time to open up to the new and to be in tune with yourself. It brings a refreshing feeling of new beginnings, as your energies have been renewed and you are ready to face challenges with more energy and hope.

This phase can be accompanied by that typical cold fight when starting something, but nothing to worry about. It’s ideal for renewing your wardrobe, changing your hairstyle and starting beauty treatments.

When the Moon is New, it is time to focus more on yourself, with a period of self-care and self-reflection. However, if you’re single, that doesn’t mean new people won’t reach out to you. Lua Novas brings with it new opportunities, so don’t reject people who try to approach you.

Just be aware that it is not the ideal phase for a lasting relationship, much less for commitments such as engagements and weddings. Focus, however, on your self-esteem and your autonomy.

Lua Nova is great for opening an account, especially if it’s a savings account. It’s time to reflect on your finances and what you want to manifest in your life as the moon begins to become more and more visible.

This phase is also auspicious for buying real estate, long-term investments and having new ideas for ventures, whose main and exclusive driving force is yourself. You can also do planning to find a new job or start a new career.

The Crescent Moon is the phase of embracing your desires and plans made during the New Moon. The Crescent Moon starts from the moment that part of the lunar sphere begins to be visualized at sunset. It’s the phase linked to action and growth, so take advantage of it.

The Crescent Moon is a positive phase that favors desires, hopes and intentions. After the recovery and planning phase of the New Moon, it is time to act and enjoy the motivation that this moon brings.

Ideal time to plant fruits and vegetables and get projects and plans off the paper. It is a time of relative agitation, but one that favors growth in all areas of life. Dare to be more creative, for as the Moon waxes, so will your personal powers. Cutting your hair at this stage will make it grow back faster.

Lua Crescente does not favor the purchase of perishable foods such as fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, it is not a time to finish what was started. If you want to get rid of a bad situation, this moon is only for you to increase that desire.

Also avoid waxing and, if you are a man, shaving, as the hair will grow in full intensity. Painting the nails and dyeing the hair are also unfavorable, as the roots will be more quickly exposed.

The influence of the Crescent Moon on mood happens through agitation. You may be more restless and anxious, so take the energy to act or these issues will be heightened. It’s important that you try to expend your energy or your accumulation could leave you with insomnia and more electric.

In the field of beauty, it is the ideal time to exercise if you want to gain weight or muscle mass, so taking supplements at this time will only increase the benefits. In addition, you can dedicate yourself to intensity training since your energy is increasing. If you want to cut the ends of your hair, now is the time. Your hair will grow more vigorously.

This is a positive phase to increase love between couples and strengthen ties. If you are single, during this period your power of attraction will be greater and you should take advantage of this energy.

Since this phase involves collaboration and growth, it is ideal for making commitments such as engagements and marriages, as well as starting a relationship with someone. It’s an ideal time to expand your social ties.

The Crescent Moon increases productivity at work. It is suitable for promoting products to expand the clientele. Projects developed in this phase will be more likely to be successful, as well as hiring made under the effect of this moon will last longer.

Ideal period to get more money, through partnerships or simply through the fruits of one’s work.

The first quarter is the lunar phase in which the moon reaches a quarter of the day of its monthly cycle. Visually speaking, it is clear that the moon has reached half of its luminosity, with the other half missing to reach the full phase. This phase occurs a week after the new moon and rises at noon and sets around midnight.

The crescent moon favors action. At this stage, it is necessary to have greater resistance, as obstacles may appear on the way. It is time to start reaping the fruits of what was planted in the previous phases. This lunar phase also favors decision-making, challenges, and is therefore considered the action phase.

The crescent moon disfavors the sluggish body, laziness and passivity. The period of resting and planning is over, so get up and start working hard so you can harness the energy of this moon.

No matter how difficult the obstacles brought by this moon are: remember your plans established during the new moon and the energy you gained during the waxing phase. Act and make the right decisions with this energy.

During the influence of the crescent moon,…

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