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Dreaming about friends: what does it mean?

Are your friends present in your dreams? Have you ever thought about what its presence could mean? In this article we will talk precisely about the dream projection of friendship.

It is natural to dream about familiar people, since they occupy an important part of our mental life. In fact, dreaming about friends can have many meanings: It depends on the dream scenario where they appear and the type of emotional bond you establish with them.

On the other hand, the interpretation of dreams is a practice that has been carried out since the dawn of humanity (it is already mentioned in the culture of Ancient Egypt, 4000 years ago). Fortunately, today, we know more. The first important idea is that interpreting our dreams remains an activity of self-knowledge rather than mysticism.

How the brain works during sleep

First of all, the first thing is to give a scientific touch to the interpretation of dreams. Specific, A dream is a succession of sensory experiences resulting from brain activity during the deepest phase of sleep.. In principle, the scenes that are experienced do not have a narrative as such, but are ordered and given meaning when awakening and remembering them.

Deep sleep oscillates between two phases, REM and nREM. There are certain relevant differences between them:

REM phase or Random Eye Movement: Paradoxically, brain activity during this stage is very similar to that of waking, except that the brain stem blocks muscle movement so that the dreamed actions are not reproduced. It is characterized by fast brain waves.Non-REM or nREM phase: In this phase, you sleep more deeply, with low-frequency brain waves -less than 4 Hz-. During this state, the brain reacts minimally to external sounds and is less likely to wake up.

In the REM phase, the strangest, longest and most memorable dreams are experienced. However, for either phase, dreaming is more likely when brain waves are weak. When these are stronger, the subject’s sensation is not so much that of having dreamed as of feeling unconscious throughout the night.

Dreams, like any other psychological process, play a role in the proper functioning of the mind. Some of its properties are the following:

The meaning of dreaming about friends

Friends are a source of joy and concern almost in equal measure. Furthermore, given our tendency to feel comfortable around people who are compatible with ourselves, friends can become a personal projection in an abstract and projective mental context, such as dreams.

Since personality and social relationships are usually complex and full of nuances. Below, you have several interpretations of what it means to dream about friends. Some are positive and others not so much, so don’t miss any details.

Dreaming about friends who die

Seeing a friend die in dreams is usually a nightmare. Furthermore, the most basic meaning is the intuitive one: fear that something bad and irreversible will happen to that person – or someone representative for you; It can also dramatize the fear that the friendship that unites you will end.

Dreaming about friends from the past

The most direct meaning is that you miss those people and you dream of moments and experiences that you remember at his side. On the other hand, the feelings you had towards them or certain emotional impressions could be represented abstractly in the context of the dream.

Many people reconnect with friends from the past as a result of dreams.

Unknown people who are your friends in dreams

We all create random faces in dreams, or even swap identities and faces. This phenomenon is difficult to interpret, but dreaming about friends you don’t know in real life usually means that you are exploring parts of yourself that were hidden until that moment.

Keep in mind the complexity of your friendships when interpreting your dreams. It is a good exercise in self-observation and introspection, so take your time to explore the feelings and ideas that these types of dreams awaken. Remember, it is not a scientific study, but it never hurts to sit down and reflect from time to time.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

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