The dream map is a visualization and energizing tool created in 2015 by coach Marcinha Bello. The proposal basically consists of putting on paper everything you want to happen in your life – your dreams! In this way, your desires become more visual to yourself and clearer to the universe, your ally in the search for accomplishments.
There are some tips and a step by step that need to be followed so that you can make your dream map in the best possible way. So, check out a guide that will help you in this task:
What do I need to keep in mind when doing it?
A few things need to be taken into account when writing your dream map. First, it is important to make a conscious map, being very careful with what you decide to write and not forgetting to put everything you really want to happen.
It is important to address the most relevant areas of your life and it is you who chooses these aspects. Work, family, love, travel, college, courses – pick out the topics that most resonate with you and start preparing.
Your dreams should be written in the most positive way possible – for example, if you want to travel to Europe, don’t write “I want to travel to Europe” but “I will travel to Europe”. Also avoid using the word “no” in your requests, as it is believed that the forces that rule the universe do not normally understand this word.
Also, it’s important to be as specific as possible when describing your desires. Be very detailed, it is even worth saying the day or month in which your plan will take place.
What to do if you don’t know what you want
It is very normal not to know exactly what you want for your life, and in that case, this should be reflected in your dream chart.
The tip is to put the search for self-knowledge first in the things you want to achieve. Search a lot, search for courses, search for possibilities!
Your dream map step by step
Step 1: reflection
- First of all, you must carefully and carefully reflect on what you want for your life.
- Then list all the dreams you want to fulfill in the next few months.
- Separate your dreams according to the aspects of your life you want to address
Step 2: first steps
- Take a blank sheet, that’s where you’ll make your map
- Write your full name in the middle of the sheet
- Underneath your name, also put your date of birth.
- Circle your key information
Step: 3: Filling your map
- From your name, draw an arrow for every aspect of your life – work, family, travel, love and more
- Fill in one topic at a time, listing all your dreams concerning that topic
- Dream big! Don’t limit yourself! You can have anything you want!
- Once ready, leave your dream map in an easily accessible place so you can view it and track your achievements
The Gratitude Stage
Gratitude is a very positive and important feeling in our lives and we should put it into practice every day. Also, she plays a key role in your dream map.
Once you’ve listed all your wishes for the next few months, they will slowly begin to come true and each time they do, you should thank the universe.
Don’t forget to take a moment out of your day to feel grateful and write the word “thank you” next to your dreams come true on your map.
Testimony from someone who has done it
Mariana, 22 years old, pedagogue: “The first time I heard about ‘dream map’, in the middle of 2015, I thought it was boring, after all, who delivers the recipe for your dreams to come true like this, for free? I decided to give it a chance and filled the sheet with things I wanted, that I thought would be the best for me. To my not-surprise, nothing happened, on the contrary, the opposite of what I asked for happened. I felt very sad as I had only seen successful experiences and mine was a failure. Until, in 2016, I decided to give it a second chance and, this time, really believe that even the wildest dreams could come true. Almost 90% of the things I wrote on that map turned out to be real. I managed to do my dream exchange. I had one of the best trips of my life. And then I realized that the universe always gives you what you ask for, but we often get the opposite, because that’s the frequency we’re vibrating at. If we change our thinking and accept that we are worthy of receiving good things, our dreams will come true!”
Natalia, 23, digital planner: “I read about it and saw that it was best to do the map on a day when I was feeling really good. I separated everything – family, relationship, college, feelings and work – and put all the well-developed dreams. In work, I defined how much I wanted to earn and what kind of place I would like to work. In relationships, I described what characteristics I would like to find in another person. Everything worked! In six months, I completed ALL the items I had written.”
Ana Luísa, 24, student: “When I decided to make the dream map, I didn’t take it too seriously, but I decided to do it anyway. I opened my heart and wrote down everything I really needed to get from the universe in each chosen item – profession, health, family, love, personality, spiritual. I saved the map and ended up forgetting about it. After a year, I remembered and decided to open it to take a look: almost all the items were done! Only a few were missing from the professional area. That’s when I made another one, reinforced the items that were missing, and this time I was a little more specific. I strongly believe in the power of the universe, but also in the power that our thoughts have on ourselves. the map, in my opinion, works as an organization of goals and thoughts.”
Remember: if any of the dreams you’ve listed don’t come true, there’s a reason why. What we want is not always the best for us and the universe is in charge of deciding what should or should not happen – and when it should happen too.
When 80% of your dreams have already come true, or simply when you feel it’s time, you can make a new dream map. You must tear up or burn the old map, thanking you for everything you’ve achieved, and start over!
Mariana Bianchini
Graduated in Communication and Multimedia from the State University of Maringá. Content creator about entertainment and pop culture on the internet. She can sing every Taylor Swift song. And if she could, she would be at Disney.
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