Have you ever tried doing the Cinnamon Ritual? This ritual is indicated to be performed on the 1st day of each month and can be repeated every month of the year to ensure prosperity for your life.
Personare Feng Shui specialist Cris Ventura says that small daily gestures can bring the energy of prosperity into your life, through colors, flowers, plants, water and other decorative objects. Here are Feng Shui Tips for Prosperity.
Aromatherapist Solange Lima explains that cinnamon works on the courage to change patterns, inflexibility and heartache. Stimulates good thoughts and energies.
In Aromatherapy, it is a hot, stimulating, sedative, aromatic and digestive oil. Giving a body or foot massage with cinnamon-based oils helps to relax the muscles and warm up the body. Learn here how to make a self-massage with cinnamon essential oil.
See below how to do the cinnamon ritual on the 1st to enhance the energy of prosperity in your home and in your life.
How to do the cinnamon ritual
- Separate a portion of ground cinnamon on a small plate (can be a saucer). ⠀
- Open the main door of your house holding the plate with the cinnamon.
- Blow cinnamon from the outside to the inside (cinnamon must enter your home) mentalizing prosperity, plenty, wealth and success in your personal and professional life and that prosperity lives in your home.
- Or blow on the cinnamon saying:
“When this cinnamon I blow, prosperity here will enter.
When this cinnamon I blow, plenty will come to stay.
When this cinnamon I blow, abundance here will dwell.”
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personify (conteudo@personare.com.br)
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