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Can I Get HPV from a Kiss? – Transmission, Symptoms and Prevention

One of the most common sexually transmitted diseases is human papillomavirus or HPV. There are more than 100 strains of this virus and although the majority are harmless, there are also some very aggressive varieties whose suffering considerably increases the risk of developing cancer of the cervix, vagina and anus in the case of women and anal and cervical cancer. penis in the case of men.

One of the most common doubts has to do with the ways in which the virus is transmitted. If you are one of those who wonders: “Can I get HPV from a kiss?“, at unCOMO we offer you the answer to clear your doubts.

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Ways of transmitting HPV HPV: is it spread through kisses? Symptoms of HPV Ways to prevent HPV

Ways of HPV infection

The human papillomavirus can spread mainly in three ways:

Vaginal penetration: The exchange of fluids during sex, as well as contact between mucous membranes, can be a way to contract the virus if one of the members of the couple is already infected.Oral sex: Contact between the mouth of a healthy person and the genitals of a person with HPV can transmit the virus.Anal sex: Contact between the partner’s fluids, as well as the generation of microfissures or wounds in the anal area, can cause the spread of HPV.

The three cases of HPV transmission refer to sexual encounters without protection or with poorly used protection, hence the importance of correct use of condoms to prevent the spread of the disease.

HPV: is it spread through kisses?

Knowing the ways of transmitting the virus,HPV is spread through kisses? It is unlikely, mainly because HPV is not spread through saliva except in very exceptional cases. A study released in 2014 by Johns Hopkins University in the United States confirmed that the risk of contracting the disease through saliva is only 1.2% in couples in which one of the people suffers from this disease, so the possibility of becoming infected through a kiss is unlikely.

However, it is important to clarify that, although unlikely, HPV can be spread through kisses, especially deep kisses with tongue. You should keep this in mind if you have HPV and are wondering if you can kiss your partner.

HPV symptoms

Most people with human papillomavirus do not have symptoms, so they usually ignore that they have the disease for years, and the virus may even disappear after a couple of years and without even knowing they had it. But in other cases, the virus remains latent until it manifests itself in the form of warts or genital lesionsas well as pain when having sexual relations.

Since papillomavirus cannot be diagnosed when there are no visible lesions, the only way to prevent its progression if you have it is with an annual gynecological check-up. There, the gynecologist can determine abnormalities that could be linked to the virus and, thus, apply the corresponding measures to prevent the progression of the disease. In the case of men, it can only be diagnosed when genital warts already exist.

In our article What are the symptoms of HPV we explain the signs in more detail so that you can be alert to any signs in your body.

Ways to prevent HPV

Although getting HPV from a kiss is a fairly remote possibility, it is necessary to know how to prevent HPV by other means, avoiding risky sexual practices and assuming the responsibility that comes with having an active sexual life.

The most effective way to prevent HPV and any sexually transmitted disease is with condom use. However, its use cannot be limited to the moment of penetration, since the virus is spread through contact, so during foreplay there may be a risk of infection. Furthermore, it is important to remember that its use reduces the risk of contagion, but does not eliminate it completely.

For oral sex, the use of latex barriers for oral use is recommended that allow mouth-genital contact without any risk.

Also exist HPV prevention vaccines that can be used by healthy women and men. Although there are several commercial brands, in general there are three doses that must be applied in a period of six months between 9 and 26 years of age and that prevent the contagion of the most common strains of the virus. However, being a preventive vaccine, it does not provide any protection to those who already have or have suffered from the disease.

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