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An open letter to my future husband


To my dear future husband,

First — if you’re reading this, you need to know how special you are to me. How important you are to me. How you are loved by me. For a woman who has lately been closed off to romantic feelings and prefers not to delve into emotions, this is the most intimate part of me, and I confess that I’m happy to be able to share it with you.


When I think about my future with you, my stomach fills with all kinds of colorful butterflies. I can’t wait to start an amazing family by your side. I can’t wait to share my life with the person I love the most — you.


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I hope you are an intelligent, kind, caring and strong man that I always see in my dreams. I ask God that everyone close to me loves you as much as I do.

Why am I taking the time to write this letter to you? I think you need to know exactly what you’re getting yourself into and how to love someone like me—an adventurous, impulsive, spontaneous woman.

Know that I never object to a good romantic gesture. I’m a simple person—you don’t have to do much to please me. Those dozens of red roses scattered around the room (although I usually prefer marigolds)?

I really only need one—just like I only need you. call me beautiful. Hold my hand as we walk down the street. Fulfill my dream of kissing in the rain, a la Noah and Allie in The Diary of a Passion. These little things will continually keep a smile on my face.

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Laughing and loving are two of my many life philosophies. I’m initially introverted, but once you break my shell, I’m outgoing and silly—which means you need to be able to keep up with my silliness and love of the out-of-the-ordinary.

My dream relationship? The one who carries in his luggage laughter and inside jokes… and lots of kisses. What I need from you is to keep me laughing and be my rock when I feel like the world is falling apart.

Even though I’m a strong woman, I can be sensitive at times. My heart is huge and I’m there whenever someone needs me. Even when those people don’t deserve my love or compassion. They can kick me over and over again, but trust me — I’ll try to be there and catch the person when they fall. Please don’t take advantage of my generosity. When these people break me, I need you to pick up the pieces. I cannot allow you to spread them any further.


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To be honest? All I want is a simple life. Material things don’t make a happy life. A loving family and friends yes. They are everything to me, which is more than any amount of money can give me.

Another thing to watch out for: post this everywhere you look. Make them a reminder on your mobile. Emphasis! Write it on a post-it and stick it on your bathroom mirror. Whatever helps you remember these things, do it. I can get angry and go from zero to a hundred in a split second. I can be stubborn. I will be straight and completely honest with you, even when you don’t want to listen to me. One minute I’m going to want to make love to you and the next minute you can sleep on the couch. I’m warning you now: I can be a little (okay, a lot) too dramatic. If I wake you up in the middle of the night crying or out of sheer worry, be kind to me. Play with my hair. Give me a good massage. Pray for me. Kiss me until I calm down. If none of this works—just stay with me. Just a warning and apologies in advance. ❤

Also: once we’re married, you’ll be stuck with me. Divorce is something I don’t believe in, because when I married you, I saw my whole future. There will be times when things get tough and we think our marriage is beyond repair. This is not true. If my parents managed to survive almost getting divorced twice, we’ll be able to work things out and grow with each argument. And let’s be realistic—every argument we come up with that are clues to sex…remember that and we’ll be quite a couple.

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Last but not least, I trust myself to know that I will marry you because my love for you runs deep. You bring out the best in me, and I can’t wait for all our adventures together. The person you are, the person you awaken in me—I love everything about you. With defects and everything included.

I’m marrying you and no matter what, my love for you will never stop growing. You are my soul mate. You are my only one.

In the song “God Gave Me You”, Blake Shelton says: “Cause God gave me you for the ups and downs”, and I believe that one hundred percent.

I can’t wait to make memories that will last a lifetime. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together. Life will be a roller coaster, but it will be the best ride of our lives.

See you soon, my handsome.

With all my love,

Your future wife.

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