you may have never done yoga and still be enchanted by the acroyoga, version that is performed in pairs (or in trio, since a third person can help in the execution of the aerial postures). Influenced by the circus and Thai massage, the modality requires even more concentration – this even increases the benefits. “You need to connect with your partner and breathe together, which demands a lot of focus from both of you”, explains instructor Pedro Franco, director of Premananda Yoga School, in Rio de Janeiro. Thus, your mind lives more in the present – the famous mindfulness – and forget about worries about the past and the future (shoo, anxiety!).
Even at the beginning – when we can’t do as many beautiful postures as the ones in the photo –, the bodies need to be in complete harmony, which guarantees that even laughs come out in synchrony after a few imbalances. “By standing on someone else’s feet, we have to let go of the need to want to control everything and really give ourselves away. It’s a big confidence job,” says yoga teacher Renata Mozzini, also from the Premananda Yoga School.
Put your fears aside: the height is small and the duo’s support even amplifies the movements that you feel difficult to perform on solid ground, such as a trunk bend. “Like in real life, believe in your potential and respect your limits”, advises Pedro.
Strong or relaxed?
The practice has two versions: the most widespread is solar acroyoga – known as acrobatic –, which, as it is more similar to the circus, works on strength (mainly that of the core and legs) and flexibility. Lunar (or therapeutic) acroyoga, on the other hand, releases the body’s meridians (which are energy channels) and decompresses the column. “This style is influenced by Thai massage, which can be done with the hands, feet, knees or elbows, in an adapted way”, says Pedro. Choose your favorite version and enjoy the advantages of connecting body and mind together.
acroyoga training
Next, we teach you the step-by-step of two acroyoga postures. Don’t be in a hurry to reach the more advanced levels – evolve slowly, always switching places with your partner.
Bird pose (solar acroyoga)
– (Raphael Figueiredo/)
A (Start)
Basis: Support your feet on the flyer’s hips and flex your legs.
Flying: bring your feet closer to the base’s hands and join hands to the base, so that four fingers are between the other person’s thumb and thumb. Engage your core and let your weight fall onto the base’s feet.
B (In the air)
Extend your arms and while the base extends your knees, the flyer’s weight is distributed between hands and feet. You can flex your arms and legs to work on strength and balance.
basic challenge
– (Raphael Figueiredo/)
Flying: release one hand and try to grab the ankle of the leg on the same side.
advanced challenge
– (Raphael Figueiredo/)
When they are already experts, it is worth letting go of both hands. The flyer must look straight ahead.
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Therapeutic Flight (lunar acroyoga)
– (Raphael Figueiredo/)
– (Raphael Figueiredo/)
– (Raphael Figueiredo/)
Get in the same position as in the bird pose, but with your feet diagonally across. The flyer leans the torso forward, taking the head towards the belly of the base. Open your arms and, if you can, the flyer also spreads his legs. Then it’s time to explore movements to release energy channels: move your arms in different directions. The flyer can rotate his torso while the base massages his shoulders and neck.