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How to know if I am frigid

Frigidity consists of a woman’s inability to feel sexual desire or pleasurethis multifactorial disorder significantly affects the couple, since the man usually feels frustrated and rejected In the absence of sex, it is therefore important to determine what causes it and thus be able to solve it. If you think you could be facing this situation, we give you some keys so that know if you are frigid

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What is it? What are the symptoms? Why am I frigid? In front of your partner, what to do?

What is it?

Frigidity is a type of sexual dysfunction feminine marked by the absence of sexual desire, which leads to a notable reduction in activity, creating a situation of tension, frustration and guilt within the relationship, where sometimes due to lack of knowledge, the woman attributes the problem to a specific eventuality instead of going to a specialist. It should not be confused with anorgasmia, another pathology

What are the symptoms?

Frigidity can be divided into two types, that total in which there is no type of sexual desire, marked by symptoms such as lack of arousal, lack of reaction to stimulation, lack of vaginal lubrication and the absence of pleasure and orgasms. The second type is the partialin which the woman, despite the difficulty, manages to become aroused but after stimulation has difficulty achieving an orgasm, this is the most common

Why am I frigid?

Frigidity may be due to hormonal causessuch as the reduction in levels of estrogen, or due to psychological or behavioral causes, whether stress, chronic fatigue, or in most cases the woman’s relationship with the sexual topic, if you see it as a taboo, as a forbidden topic, if you have had previous experiences marked by pain or the absence of pleasure, if you cannot relate sex and pleasure, if you have low self-esteem, if you have been a victim of sexual abuse. A long list factors of this nature could influence or cause frigidity

In front of your partner

Address the problem and seek support from your partner It is important, frigidity is not a topic that is talked about frequently, we hear much more about erectile dysfunction than about this condition, but it is real and it exists. If you are suffering from it, it is necessary to communicate it to your partner, do not forget that the situation affects both of you.

To do?

If you are going through menopause or any special situation in which your estrogen levels have been reduced, it is best to visit your doctor. gynecologist So that I can guide you on the subject, in most cases with supplements of this hormone the desire is usually reactivated. If the problem is due to psychological or behavioral causes linked to your way of seeing sex, it is important that you consult a doctor. sexologist or psychologist so that I can guide you and explore the true reasons for your lack of sexual desire

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It is important to address the problem and not let it go, a full sexual life is synonymous with health and well-being in the couple. Do not be afraid to talk about this problem with a specialist, overcome taboos and fears and face the situation.

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