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Sexual positions to increase glutes – more than pleasurable

In addition to being very pleasurable, sex helps us burn fat and define our figure. There are many parts of the body that are exercised during sexual relations, but, without a doubt, one of the most benefited is the buttocks. The pressure exerted on them and the force that many postures require are perfect for strengthening the butt, toning it and increasing its volume. But, What are the most effective sexual positions to increase glutes? We discover them all in this unCOMO article. They are also ideal for innovating with your partner and giving intimate encounters an extra touch of passion and excitement. Do not miss it!

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Missionary The little dog The lotus flower The total hug The cowgirl The wheelbarrow The ecstasy Other tips to increase your buttocks naturally


Although it may seem like one of the most boring and basic positions for having sex, the truth is that the classic missionary is one of the best options to achieve increase the glutes and strengthen them during intimate relationships.

But what should be done to tone the glutes with this position? It is very simple! You just have to put your feet on the bed and raise the pelvis a little to join your partner’s body and then begin penetration. If you maintain this position during the sexual act, you will keep your glutes tense and all the muscles in this area will be activated. You will be doing the perfect exercise to achieve a more voluptuous and lifted butt!

Also, if you want to find new ways to enjoy this pose much more, we recommend that you consult the advice in the article Postures for sex: The Missionary.

The doggy

A sexual position in which the muscle work is practically done alone! What more can we ask for? Doggy style is one of the favorite positions of many couples due to the great pleasure it provides, both for the man and the woman. And, in addition to offering very intense orgasms, it is also ideal for exercise the glutes and make them stronger.

In reality, being placed on all fours, the simple movement performed during the sexual act already causes the glutes to be tense and exercised. Additionally, this can be enhanced if the woman raises her butt a little and contracts the muscles in the area. It is also possible to tone the abdomen and lower back of both members of the couple.

The lotus flower

Do you know the lotus flower position? It is an ideal yoga asana to enjoy sex full of romanticism and sensuality. The man must sit cross-legged and the woman must sit on her lap, wrapping her legs around his waist and placing her feet against her boy’s buttocks. She will be the one who controls both the pace and the intensity of the penetration.

Although it may seem like a comfortable position to us, it is one of the best sexual positions to increase glutes. The key to achieving this is that you wrap your arms and legs around your boy, placing them behind his back and that every time penetration occurs, you press your body towards his and, at the same time, contract the muscles of your buttocks.

Discover much more about this pose in the article The lotus position for making love, melt with pleasure!

The total hug

Sexual positions that are performed standing are perfect for toning the buttocks and other parts of the body due to the force that must be exerted to maintain them for the duration of the relationship. We propose the total embrace position, ideal for enjoying improvised sex anywhere.

To put it into practice, the man has to hold his partner by the buttocks with his arms and attract her towards his pubes. She has to surround the man’s neck with her arms and hold on by placing her legs on the lower back or behind of her boy. In this way, as it is not supported on any type of surface, you will have to use strength with your glutes and legs to keep it supported and, then, you will be able to work the muscles and define them.

The cowgirl

Another of the incredible sexual positions to lift buttocks It is the cowgirl, in which the woman is in charge of setting the rhythm of the movements and penetration. The man will be lying on his back and the woman will sit on him, supporting herself with the lower part of her legs on the bed.

Surely you have practiced this position many times with your partner, but a trick so that it can help you increase your glutes is to push yourself with your feet to go up and down, instead of doing it with your knees. Thus, you will put your legs and glutes to work completely, it will be like doing a few squats while you enjoy incredible pleasurable sensations and walk the path to climax.

The wheelbarrow

One of the most ingenious positions of the Kamasutra is the wheelbarrow, it requires strength on the part of both members of the couple to carry it out and enjoy it.

The woman will have to lie face down on the bed so that her pelvis is on the edge of it. The man will stand right behind the woman and must grab her by the upper part of her thighs and raise her to begin the penetration. At this point, the woman will be suspended in the air and she will be supported on the bed by her forearms. Maintaining this position for quite some time will allow both the abdomen, arms and buttocks are exercised very much.

The ecstasy

As a last option for sexual positions to increase glutes, we show the ecstasy position. What does it consist of? The woman will have to lie face up on the bed or sofa, placing her pelvis on the edge of them. The man will stand in front of her, placing himself between her thighs, and then she will raise her waist and hold her boy by her hips with the inside of her legs.

In addition to strengthen the gluteswith this position you get tone the abdomen a lot, since the effect it produces is very similar to that of the abdominals, since by having the hip elevated and moving forward and backward, the muscles in that area become tense. And, of course, it is a super pleasant position with which it is possible to experience very, very intense orgasms.

Other tips to increase buttocks naturally

If, in addition to innovating in sex and finding positions that help you lift your buttocks while feeling great pleasure, you want to know what other things you can do to have a more voluminous and attractive butt Naturally, pay close attention to the following tips:

There is infusions that contain phytoestrogens, which favor both the growth of the buttocks and the bust. Some options are: red clover, fennel and fenugreek.Exfoliate the skin of the buttocks 1 or 2 times a week also helps to firm them and prevent the appearance of sagging.Among the best homemade masks To increase and firm the buttocks there are cucumber and egg, grapes, apple and avocado and honey. We show you the complete treatments in the article Home remedies to increase buttocks. It is important to include foods to gain muscle mass in your daily diet. It is necessary do exercise Physical exercise on a regular basis and training that includes toning the glutes if you want to achieve good results.

If you want to read more articles similar to Sexual positions to increase glutes – more than pleasurablewe recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.

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