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Thin and oily strands: the ideal shampoos for this type of hair –

Maira Yonamine – Thinkstock (/)

It is possible to bypass the oiliness and the fine threads with specific shampoos for this type of hair. “Bet on products with keratin and citric acids, which contribute to looser and fuller hair”, says Bruno di Maglio, hairdresser at (L)oft Hair Boutique. “Crystalline and less milky shampoos usually have less emollient agents, which weighs less on the hair”, completes the professional.

And if the shampoo can help in the task of making the strands less oily and more voluminous, a trick when using the product complements the ritual. “It’s important not to exaggerate the amount of product, be it shampoo, conditioner or leave-in, and rinse your hair well”, teaches di Maglio.

anti-oil trick

If the hair roots are oily, di Maglio teaches a trick that helps bring balance: “Apply the shampoo to dry scalp, massage and rinse. Then repeat the operation”. In addition to the trick, the professional recommends using products without rinsing and suitable for styling your hair. “Opt for products that thicken the thread and sustain the volume, which can be achieved with a simple brush”, he teaches.

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