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Psychological tricks to know if someone likes you

The best way to realize that someone likes you is by perceiving the involuntary gestures that people make when they are attracted to someone.

These gestures can be as subtle as a look or more overt as a compliment.

Next, we will tell you about the psychological tricks to find out if someone likes you and thus be able to clear up your doubts.

How can you tell that someone likes you psychologically?

1) His body points towards you

An unconscious cue a man does when he likes you is to point his whole body at you. Especially the feet and the head.

In addition, you will be able to notice that he sticks out his chest in a masculine gesture to be noticed. He can also throw his shoulders back and put his hands on his waist.

2) He gets nervous

If a guy is attracted to you, he may get nervous when he talks to you, looks into his eyes, or just walks into the room.

Also, you can see how he blushes, stutters when he tries to talk to you or averts his eyes, if you discover that he is secretly watching you.

3) Imitate the gestures you make

It is usually very common for a person who likes another to imitate the gestures that this person makes. For example, she can move her hands in the same way and smile at the same time. You can even use the same phrases that characterize someone.

He inadvertently wants to behave in the same way as you, so that you will have a good impression of him and like him.

4) He looks at your lips

A guy who wants another woman can’t help but look at her lips, if he hasn’t kissed her yet. This is because her desire to hold her in her arms has become inevitable.

Little by little he loses control and releases some tension in this way.

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5) Teases you

Usually, when a man likes you, he uses one of the most common tools to win a girl over: teasing.

Women love to laugh. The reality is, who doesn’t like to be happy?

This is something that most men know and use to their advantage.

6) Gives you full attention

If a person is interested in you, it is logical that they want to obtain all the information possible to win you over.

The best way to achieve this is to give yourself full attention.

Also, this shows that you care and can also ask you questions about what you’re talking about, so you notice.

7) He cares about you

Another way to know if someone is interested in you is to see if they care about you. Men tend to be very protective of the women they like. They feel they have an obligation to take care of her.

For example, they can mention that you are cold, to see if they will lend you their coat. He can also say that you are a little scared to go home alone, to see if he wants to come with you.

8) It is always close to you

You can tell that a guy likes you, if everywhere you see him next to you or at least in the same room.

He is attracted to you and minimally wants to shorten the physical distance between you, if he has not yet managed to work up the courage to move forward with you.

9) Answer your messages or calls quickly

A man interested in a woman is always watching his phone to see if she writes or calls him.

Surely, he is thinking all the time what you will be doing at all times.

Sure, he doesn’t want to appear clingy and isn’t constantly asking you what you’re doing.

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But immediately when you write to him, he knows that he has a free hand to answer you and even exchange a few words with you. In this way you can calm your anxiety, until the next meeting.

10) He constantly smiles at you

If a guy really likes you, he won’t be able to help but smile when he looks at you. His smile will get bigger if you look back at him.

Just your presence makes him happy and he expresses this through his lips, even without realizing it.

Spontaneous gestures are the ones that show the most what we feel internally.

11) He always has a compliment for you

If he always compliments you when he sees you, it’s because he definitely likes you. Particularly if that compliment has to do with your personality.

Of course, telling you that you look beautiful or that that dress looks beautiful on you also shows that he is interested in you.

But if he tells you that he loves how you get along in a crowd, or how you face problems with a smile, then this man is in love.

12) It has a different look for you

People do not look at everyone in the same way. The eyes can express an endless number of feelings, since they are the window to our interior.

A man who likes you will not look at you as a friend, nor will he pass his eyes over you, like a stranger. He has a special look of desire in store for you.

Also, through his eyes he may want to flirt with you. Also send you secret messages, so that you find the mystery in the situation and want to decipher it.

Signs he doesn’t like you

Can’t stop looking at the phone

One of the most obvious signs that he doesn’t like you is when he won’t stop looking at his phone. Not even when you stand in front of him and start talking directly to him.

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If he does not pay attention to you, no matter how hard you try, then it means that he is not interested in you at all.

He only talks to his friends

If they are at an event talking in a group, but it is clear that they have no intention of talking to you; you are not interested

You will probably see that he does not stop laughing with his friends and making comments to him. But when you talk to him, her face becomes immutable, and when you’re done, he turns to continue talking to the people he cares about.

He does not have you as a friend on his social networks

Today a person has all the people they care about on their social networks. Even those who barely know, but something has caught their attention.

So if he doesn’t have you among his friends on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, he clearly doesn’t see anything special in you.

Final thoughts

If you pay attention to the psychological tricks to find out if someone likes you, which we mentioned before, it is quite easy to be able to tell.

You can even provoke certain unconscious reactions in him so that he gives himself away, such as asking him to find you a drink or give his opinion on a topic of interest to you. If you have a positive response, then there is an attraction in him towards you.

At his next meeting, you can flirt with him, see if he decides to move on. When a woman shows interest in a man she likes, then it is easier for him to be encouraged to take the first step. cheer up!

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