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What to say when they leave you seen? 5 smart responses

There is no feeling of greater confusion than that of being left out.

Maybe you have eternal conversations on WhatsApp.

Or cross greetings from time to time on social networks.

It doesn’t matter how they are communicating; If it leaves you on seen, you have a problem.

The conflict is in not knowing how to react or what to do, right?

And you can’t tell if you’re in the vistozone or if you’re being ghosted.

Don’t you know what I’m talking about? Relax, here I will explain these terms.

Plus, I’ll show you why you might stop responding and how to get over it.

And I will share 5 ideas on what to say when he lets you down without losing your dignity.

Here we go!

How to respond if they leave you in seen?

Here I leave you 5 phrases to intelligently get out of this uncomfortable situation.

And, perhaps, motivate him to continue the conversation or end it for good.

1) Status: #vistozone

This is a proposal that may have good results.

If you respond to his seen with this phrase, he may find it funny.

In this way, you would be breaking the ice.

And, if you don’t know what vistozone is, you will surely be intrigued.

He may even end up asking you what you’re talking about and the talk is renewed again.

2) Thanks for the view

It is a similar exit to the previous one but much more direct.

If he doesn’t respond to this, he has no doubt stopped talking to you on purpose.

Here there is no more to say; you have to accept it and move on.

3) How are you?

A simple question that may or may not pick up the conversation.

You must do it after allowing a reasonable amount of time to pass since the last time you spoke.

Maybe two or more days will be enough.

My advice is that if you do, only try it once.

If by asking this question, it leaves you in seen again. He is not for you.

4) Do we talk or not?

Sometimes we just need a little pressure to stoke the fire.

If he has no reason to stop talking to you, this question will motivate him to continue.

5) “I loved meeting you, but this doesn’t seem to flow, does it? We leave it here”

Final death sentence, I know. It’s a dangerous idea to play with.

With these words you are dismissing any opportunity to overcome the situation.

In addition, you let your anger be perceived. So, if you use it, keep in mind that there is no going back.

This serves to show you as the last to speak and confirm that you make the final decision.

He is outdated.

BONUS TIP: Answer him through another app

Given the lack of resources, there is no other option but to look for it by other means.

Warning: This will make you look a bit desperate if you don’t control it well.

You can chat, comment on a story on networks or give it a like.

You choose the level of intensity.

But you’ve been warned, whatever you do, she’ll notice.

He will know that you are looking for him and it will be up to him to play along or not.

BONUS TIP 2: A funny gif

A classic that a friend sent me: it was a gif with the image of John Travolta in the movie Pulp Fiction. The character turned around with his hands up because he did not understand the situation and next to him he had the double blue tilde.

It’s definitely a funny answer and a good one to get a smile out of him. I assure you that he will not hesitate to reply to that message.

How to conquer a man who has left you in sight?

While winning over someone who is elusive is challenging, it is not something you cannot achieve.

Some time ago I came across the interesting theories of Noelia Sandoval. She is a recognized authority on dating and male psychology.

After many years of study, he has developed a method in which he works on the most sensitive fibers of male psychology.

She gave the key to what a man looks for in every woman. That which makes him decide to commit to her and not have eyes for anyone else.

Her studies in the biology and neurochemistry of love helped her find the keys that she shares in her book “Melt it with love” where she describes the step by step to conquer a man and create a healthy and lasting relationship.

You might think that it is impossible to get a man who leaves you to react, maybe it is not necessary. If you read what Noelia has to share, you will know how to handle yourself not only with this boy, but with any man you want to fall in love with.

Instead of presenting utopian ideas about love, she has found the biological and psychological origin to explain falling in love.

To learn more about this essential GUIDE, I share access to more information HERE.

Why leave me on seen?

If it is about manners, it will never be good to leave us in seen.

Maintaining a communication with someone and not continuing it is in bad taste.

And depending on how the relationship is going, one may feel rejected.

But, beyond the indignation that invades us at the moment of receiving a visa, there is hope.

For this, what you must first be clear about is why he is writing to you.

They are just friends? Do you have the right to something else?

You don’t know each other yet, but you chat daily?

I know it seems silly, but being clear about what kind of bond he has with you can give clues.

That is to say, it will help us to better understand if the one that leaves you in seen is relevant to him or not.

Or if he is doing it on purpose or, simply, it has happened to him.

Pay attention to the following list:

Surely your friend is not so responsible when it comes to answering messages.

Or believe that if he doesn’t answer you, nothing will happen.

The scholar in the language of rejection, Gili Freedman, tells The New York Times that,

“People seem to think it was more acceptable to disappear in a friendship than a romantic relationship regardless of fate or belief in growth.”

And he clarifies by saying the following:

“We think of friendship as these enduring relationships that provide social support. (…) People say it’s a little better if you disappear into a friendship. How you view relationships affects the point of view you have about vanishing.”

I mean, he’s comfortable enough with you and it may have passed.

He must think that not responding to you is not a reason for real distance in your friendship.

The problem in these situations is when he doesn’t know that he is for you.

It may be because you have feelings for him that go beyond friendship.

If so, maybe you have a crush on your friend or you are one step away from being in love.

Whether you are clear or not. It is solved very easily.

If your link is trusted. Tell her!

But that at the moment of attracting attention it is worth it. Your claim must be coherent.

There’s no need to make an angry scene at him if he hasn’t responded to an emoji, right?

Let him know that closing the conversations is important to you.

Friends with benefits or in a relationship

When talking about friendship with rights, there is a fine line when it comes to messages.

Because even though they have a bond of trust, sometimes not responding can mean more.

The same happens with the type of love relationship you have.

The level of demand when answering messages will be according to the type of couple they are.

Of course, if you’re just starting out, your level of commitment will be higher than that of a friend.

If they are a stable couple, their lack of response probably does not have a hidden intention.

You may be doing it for one of the following reasons:

*because he can’t answer you at that moment

Maybe you’re having a hard day at the office or you’re sick. Perhaps you are on a business trip or are taking an exam. The reasons may be several.

The important thing is that something greater than his will prevents him from continuing to talk to you.

*because it happened

Something may have interrupted his conversation with you and, when he closed his app, he did not notice that he did not respond to you. This often happens when you talk while you’re at work or busy. It has happened to all of us at some point.

*because he wants to confirm his plans, before staying with you

If you’ve made a proposal to “see” him and he’s already meeting friends, family, or work colleagues, he may be trying to modify it to get to be with you. If this is the reason, you will hear from him soon.

*because you have left him thinking and he does not know what to answer

If you are very witty when it comes to writing, or your sentences are ironic or complicated, you may have left him speechless. Do not misunderstand. I’m not saying you should address him only with Stacy Malibu-style goofy lines (wink to The Simpsons lovers). But, perhaps, you have left it between a rock and a hard place. Breaking the ice again with another tension-releasing phrase will settle it.

*because he had a technical incident

Yes, tough you do not believe it. There are times when your lack of response is due to your mobile phone having run out of battery, low signal reception or lack of Wi-Fi wherever you are.

Other common reasons why he might stop writing to you are:

*has no interest

This is the dreaded option. Perhaps he has stopped responding because he has lost interest in you. This usually happens when they notice that you have become an unattainable trophy or when they have lost their desire with you. Sometimes, this situation can occur when they have met someone new and have no eyes for anyone else. Whatever the option, if you think this might be the case, then this man is certainly not for you. He does not value you as you deserve.

*it’s his way of being

There are people who are introverted and need more time for themselves. They do not enjoy long online conversations or virtual contact. They are reserved.

*is passive-aggressive

These types of people manipulate conversations to keep you attentive. In fact, there are some that even use it as a punishment for something that is not clear to you. If you think this behavior fits your situation, be careful. People who indulge in emotional abuse can often make you fearful, frustrated, and anxious. Are you sure to go ahead with it?

*is opportunistic or false

There are people who contact you only when they need something and then disappear. Above all, if you write to him again, but he doesn’t get anything in return, they disappear leaving you in the #vistozone.

*is cutting you out of his life

Through famous ghosting. She means that she has decided to stop relating to you.

What is the #VistoZone?

It is a term that is used in social networks to identify when they leave you in seen.

Generally, it is used for when they stop responding to you or you feel ignored.

Being in this situation does not mean that I cannot speak to you again.

In other words, it is not a total state of ghosting.

What is ghosting?

Although it is similar to the visozone, it is not exactly the same.

This term is already speaking in bigger words.

According to a NewScientist article, ghosting is a form of social rejection that is growing by the day.

It occurs on social networks or chat applications and consists of ending a relationship for no reason.

This rupture occurs by disappearing from all the means by which they communicate.

No explanations or goodbyes are usually given when doing so. It’s spontaneous.

Simply, the person who uses ghosting chooses to disappear from one day to the next.

In short, it would be…

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