Home » Love Clinic » How to know if it is your soul mate, 20 signs that confirm it

How to know if it is your soul mate, 20 signs that confirm it

Have you ever heard of “meet cute”?

In a romantic comedy it happens at the moment when the two main characters meet for the first time in a very tender and funny way.

It is that moment when their eyes meet, an incredible energy surrounds them, and you realize that those two people are meant to be together.

I know what you may be thinking: cinema is different from real life. Nothing like that could ever happen to me.

But do you really think that there is no chance of this happening?

Can’t a normal boy or girl meet your soul mate in the parkbar, gym or local supermarket?

I am sure that it can happen. There are many signs from the universe about love.

And if you’ve met a guy and you feel so amazing that you wonder how to know if it’s your soulmateYou have come to the right place.

Next, I will tell you the 20 signs that will reveal to you, if that person you are meeting is your soul mate.

20 signs to recognize your soul mate

1) Love at first sight

Love at first sight happens all the time.

I have talked to people who have found their soul mate.

And one of the first things they told me is that they knew that Love at first sight existsfrom the first moment they met.

So if that man or woman standing in the frozen food aisle at the supermarket makes your heart race, then it really could be the start of something very special.

2) Their zodiacs align

The signs of the zodiac can help you discover if you have met your soul mate.

These show us how they connect with each other regarding communication, love, emotions, sex and personality.

For example, if you are an Aries, the signs Leo and Sagittarius are excellent for you, due to the emotional connection you will have with them.

While a Gemini will be attracted to Aquarius and Libra, due to their intellectual and confident nature.

3) You feel that you already know him from another life

Perhaps they were together on the deck of an 18th century ship.

Or they saw how the pyramids were built in ancient Egypt.

People who discover a soul mate feel that they know each other completely.from the beginning of their relationship.

It is not just about knowing details of his life, such as the name of the first pet or what his first school was.

It is much deeper than that.

It is about knowing who he is as a person, what drives him, what makes him special and why he is by your side.

4) Nothing stands in your way

Aretha couldn’t have said it better: “There is no mountain high enough, no river wide enough, to keep it from reaching you.”

when you meet your soul matethe obstacles that may exist to prevent you from being together will seem insignificant.

There will always be obstacles in love.

Things that come between you and the person you love.

However, if it is your soul mate, you feel more courageous and capable of overcoming those obstacles.

You know that you are looking for happiness for a lifetime.

This is particularly true in the case of men.

Scientists and psychologists have written about a new concept called the hero instinct.

Its meaning is based on the fact that men have the innate desire to step up for the women they love. Protecting them is built into their DNA.

Men enjoy being there for their partner and giving them something that no one else can.

And women can trigger this instinct in them.

When his hero instinct kicks in, a man is much more likely to commit to a deep, passionate, and long-lasting relationship.

5) You love him completely

If you meet your soul mate, you will love him when he is sad, happy, anxious or worried.

There will be no part of it that you have to endure, in order to enjoy the ones you like.

You will love every part of her being completely.

And he will love you just the same.

6) He lets you be yourself

Being with a soul mate is not hard work, nor is it stressful.

This is because they allow you to be yourself. This is not a version of you that you have handpicked to impress him.

If you are sometimes in a bad mood, then it will let you be in a bad mood.

If you want to talk about your day at work or the dream you had last night, he will listen.

The silences feel comfortable. It’s not about having nothing to say. It’s about not having to say anything, to still understand each other.

Soulmates enjoy the complexity of the other person.

Those things that your ex boyfriend found “irritating”, well, your soul mate finds them charming.

This level of authenticity and acceptance means that soulmate relationships are unparalleled in terms of being able to open up, safe in the knowledge that you are loved.

7) You feel safe

If you have found your soul mate, you will feel safe when you are together.

But you will also feel it when you are apart.

For example, when they are in bed together. You know he loves you because he makes you feel cared for and comfortable.

But you also get it, when they work far away and you don’t care what he’s doing.

You know that the strength of the love you have cannot be broken by distance or temptations.

8) You become a mind reader

You will always know what your soulmate thinksbefore you even say a word.

If you’re out for dinner and both of you overhear a couple chatting at the next table, you’ll be able to share your thoughts with just a glance or a raised eyebrow.

They share a unique connection, which goes beyond words.

9) They complete each other

Soulmates are rarely the same.

The other will have strengths that will compensate for your weaknesses and vice versa.

If you’re the life of the party, then he may be an introvert.

You may like to laze on the beaches during your vacations, while he prefers to wander through the museums.

The differences fit together like a puzzle to create a magnificent new image of the two of you together.

They lose nothing of what they were when they were apart.

On the contrary, they enhance all that, by relating as a couple and discover new things by being together.

10) You guys support each other

Soulmates never feel alone.

Being with a soul mate makes you part of a team of two, in a battle against the rest of the world.

And guess what? The world has no chance.

Whether you’re dealing with a loss, applying for a promotion, or fixing a fence that fell down in a storm, the other person is there to encourage and support you.

11) Nothing makes you happier than their happiness

This is one of the characteristic signs of the soul mate.

It’s not that they don’t value their own happiness. It is that what makes him happy the most is seeing a smile on your face.

He loves you completely.

That is why he will take care of meeting your needs and making you happy, more than anything else in the world.

12) They can deal with the most difficult things

What sets soulmates apart from other couples isn’t that they don’t have challenges or problems.

It is that they face them together.

Soulmates never shy away from having difficult and challenging conversations.

This is because you have established a way of being together that values ​​openness and honesty above all else.

They do not worry unnecessarily about the other’s reaction. They know they can talk honestly and get to a point where they can figure anything out.

13) They Share a Vision of the Future

You are different people, but another thing you share with your soul mate is a vision of a future together.

It’s about sharing a wonderful path together.

Going through it does not imply that the desires of one cancel those of the other, but of finding a way to satisfy both, giving in a little on each side.

Each party wants the other to be happy and is willing to do whatever it takes for it.

Both soul mates know where they are headed and the way they want to enjoy life together.

14) They are best friends

Your soulmate is not only your lover but also your best friend.

You can and will have other friends, but the strength of the bond with your soul mate will prevail over this.

A simple test to know if you’ve found it is: if you have good or bad news, or just hear something funny, then who do you instinctively want to share this with first?

If you have found your soul mate, the answer to this question is incredibly easy.

Also, your soulmate is your number one fan.

15) Your Cycles Align

Meeting your soul mate feels like it was scripted.

They bump into each other when they least expect it.

The obstacles they face feel flimsy and they overcome them together.

You perceive as if the universe aligns for you.

The stars and planets affect the course of our lives.

The science behind them lies in patterns that can guide you to where you want to be.

A concept that is causing a lot of interest is the theory of biorhythms.

This is the idea that there are natural mathematical cycles, which help determine when important events happen in our lives.

Scientists and shamans are the most internalized people with this concept.

16) Share the same values

Values ​​are vitally important.

You may not agree on what to eat for dinner or where to go on vacation, but disagreeing on your values ​​is not in the parameters of your soulmate.

Often you don’t need to ask what your soul mate thinks about a particular topic, because you instinctively understand how they see the world.

Having the same values ​​is an essential component to building a life together.

When you meet the right person, you’re still an individual, but chances are you’re both looking at the world through the same lens.

17) They celebrate each of their successes

You will never compete with your soul mate.

Their wins are your wins and their problems are your problems.

It’s the same for him with you. When things go well for you, he will be happy for you.

When you don’t feel well, he will be by your side.

Your shoulder will be the right place to support your head.

18) It will welcome all your moods

Your soulmate will adore all versions of you. Happy, sad, angry, silly or serious.

Being with a soul mate will never feel like you have to act a certain way.

You can always be you, whatever you are. Because “you” is who he wants to be with.

19) You would not change anything about him

Soulmates arrive as they are and you don’t want to change anything about them.

They are not a work in progress, which you must mold.

You accept them as they are, without even seeing their flaws as flaws, just as part of who they are.

True soul mates look at what they have by their side, what life has given them, and they are grateful every day that they have found each other.

20) It feels good

If you’re with your soulmate, you’ll just know.

Everyone I’ve talked to who has a soul mate knew, from the start, that this was something unlike any other relationship they’d ever experienced.

From the start, there is a sense of quiet certainty about the relationship.

It’s not a campaign…

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