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17 Questions Parents Who Have Twins Are Tired of Answering

1. Are you sisters or are you twins?

I thought and said: “We are twin sisters. duh!”

2. Are you twins?

3. Do you feel the same thing that the other is feeling?

I thought, but didn’t say: “People feel it, yes. Especially if it’s hate for whoever asks this stupid question. Oh, and we go to the bathroom at the same time, okay?!”

4. Which one was born first?

I thought, but didn’t say: Unless you’re our astrologer and ask this to make our birth chart, no, definitely, that’s none of your business.

5. Did you wear the same clothes as children?

6. Is it difficult having to share everything?

I thought, but didn’t say:Come on, it’s pretty easy after 24 years of never having your own birthday party. Also, it’s amazing to divide the attention of the parents and, especially, the bedroom.” #SQN

7. And the boyfriends, did they also share? LOL

8. What’s it like to have the same fingerprint?

I thought, but didn’t say, “What’s it like to be uninformed? Because twins DO NOT have the same fingerprints. And, by the way, they are different people too.

9. Which one is the family’s favorite?

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10. Can you read each other’s minds?

I thought, but didn’t say: “Obviously, can’t you see we’re X-Men?”

11. Which one are you?

I thought, but didn’t say: “This question may be sincere, but it is offensive.”

12. What’s it like to be a twin?

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I thought, but didn’t say: “I don’t know. What is it like to be a non-twin?”

13. Who is the smartest (insert any other adjectives here)?

14. But you don’t even look alike…

I thought and said: “Is it because we are fraternal twins, like Gisele Bündchen and Patricia? In other words: not identical.”

15. Oh, are you “the twins”?

16. Do you do everything together?

I thought, but didn’t say: “Miga, these are the Siamese twins. And, well, I guess you can see that, right?”

17. Why don’t your names start with the same letter?

I thought, but didn’t say: 1. Because we are not the Kardashian family.
2. Because our parents don’t hate us.

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